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The water was shut off, the sink removed, and the cabinets pried away from the wall. Tig sat on the floor against the opposite wall taking a smoke break while drinking a beer. He looks at the progress, thinking about Claudia and her list of things she wanted them to remodel. Starting with the new cabinets in the kitchen. Looking over the mess he sees an envelope that seemed to have been lost. Getting to his knees, he reaches for it. Turning it over just to drop it when he recognizes the handwriting, it's Claudia's. He picks it up, sits back against the wall, and opens the letter with no return address.

February 19, 2004

Tig sucked in breath, "Nine years. This is dated nine years after she died." He takes a deep breath, preparing himself for what he is about to read.

Hey Tig,

There's so much I want to say. I'm going to start by saying I'm sorry. The night everything happened I was beaten so badly I lost my memories. I only remembered my name. I woke up in a hospital hundreds of miles away and I was scared. I couldn't remember what happened to me. And the first thing the doctor says is I'm going to physically recover and the baby is fine.

You read right. I was pregnant when I left. I'm writing this to tell you, you have a son. I named him after my grandfather, Mieczysław, but he goes by Stiles. For the first six years, he couldn't pronounce his name. He would say Mischief instead. And boy does that name fit. Stiles is as mischievous as it gets.

I know you must be angry at me for telling you this shocking news in a letter and not face-to-face. And for that, I truly am sorry. I seem to be saying that a lot. But I am. I had only recently gotten my memories of my life before the attack back. I could have come back to you but I have built a life here with my son and husband. Noah adopted Stiles after we married. He is a good man, treats Stiles as his own. We are happy.

I really am truly sorry. You may never forgive me, but I hope you'll want to meet your son someday. Stiles is such a good boy, smart, hyper, and all around a ball of sunshine. His love for solving puzzles, riddles and the like is astounding. I can see him following in Noah's footsteps in law enforcement...sometimes. Other times, it gets him in trouble.

The reason I'm writing to you, is I may still forget you as I have been forgetting everything else. I have been diagnosed with Frontotemporal Dementia. It's fatal. I have been told I will deteriorate rapidly so I wanted to inform you about Stiles before I couldn't remember. Please, don't take your anger at me out on Stiles. He deserves to know you. I only regret that I didn't write to you sooner.

I will always love you,

Claudia Gajos Stilinski

Tig threw his empty beer bottle at the wall causing it to shatter, sending glass and beer foam everywhere. He has a son he didn't know about. His old lady was alive and didn't bother to contact him. Tig's eyes widened, "I have a son! FUCK! I have a son." Tig sat with the letter in his hand but didn't move.

The front door of Tig's house opened and closed, "Tig? Hey, brother? How's the progress?" Juice, the newest prospect, came into Tig's kitchen. He sees the guy on the floor, staring off into nothing, "Tig?" Juice crouched closer to Tig, "Hey, man? You with us?" Juice tapped Tig, jolting him out of his daze. Tig pushes himself off the floor. Juice stands next to him, "You alight, man?" Tig still clutched the now crumpled letter, "I need you to do something for me." "Yeah, yeah, okay," Juice waited. Tig handed him the letter, "I need you to track down where this letter was sent from. Don't tell anybody...Yet. You find anything, you tell me first." Juice nodded and pocketed the letter.

Tig pats Juice on the shoulder, still kind of out of it. He grabs another beer from the fridge. Juice watches him for a moment, "I, uh, Gemma sent me. Sunday dinner at theirs. She wanted to make sure you're there." Tig sighed, "Gemma knows how I get when I start a project. I forget to eat sometimes." Tig didn't elaborate any further and Juice didn't ask. The prospect cleared his throat, "Well, I'm going to head back to the club. I'll start on your task after I finish running today's errands." Tig waved the kid off and got back to clearing the torn cabinets out of the kitchen and to the trash pile. He will stop at dusk so he can make it to Gemma's on time. That woman scares him.

During dinner Tig had been distracted. Thinking about the letter informing him of a son. A son that would be 16 years old, going to high school, and chasing girls if he was anything like Tig. The man wondered if he should even get involved with his kid's life. Tig knew he wouldn't want his son to get caught up in the life he leads with the Club. Maybe he should just leave Stiles be. At the same time, Tig wants to meet his son, the only piece of Claudia he has left.

Tig was so lost in thought he didn't notice Gemma sit down next to him until she nudged him with her shoulder, "Something on your mind?" Tig runs a hand over his face and sighs, "Tearing apart the kitchen was something Claudia wanted to do. She couldn't stand the design." He pauses a moment, "And now I'm remodeling it without her." Gemma pats him on the shoulder, "If remodeling the house helps you move on, then have at it. The Club is here if you need us." Tig nods then takes the swig of his beer. Gemma pats him on the shoulder again and leaves him be.

He didn't want to say anything about Stiles just yet. Tig already knew he was going to get shit from Gemma, Clay, Piney, and the others for keeping his son from them. The Club has been his family more than his actual blood relatives. He looks to where Clay, Piney, Chibs, Jax, and Opie were standing and talking and decides to join them. Tig noticed Juice was helping the old ladies clean up. As a prospect Juice does the menial tasks for the Club for the first years or so before being patched in. Tig will wait until Juice comes to him when he finds anything out about Stiles. Then he will decide if he should meet him or not.

At the end of the night as everyone is leaving, Juice comes up to Tig and hands him a piece of paper. "I found the return address. Beacon Hills. It's about 200 miles north, a small town surrounded by redwoods," Juice tells him. Tig takes the paper and pockets it, "Thanks, Juice. Keep an ear out for the kid, will ya?" Juice nods, "Yeah sure." They go their separate ways, and head to their respective homes. Tig tries to get some sleep, his mind racing with thoughts about his kid, "Beacon Hills."

AN: Short chapter. The MC finds out about Stiles soon. Should I bash Scott or have him actually be a good friend?

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