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The day following the bite, Stiles and Scott went to where they found the body in the woods. Only there wasn't a body. "I don't get it. The body was right here," Scott circled the area. Stiles rolled his eyes, "I know dude, I was there." Their search was disrupted by a gruff voice, "This is private property." Both teens turn to the source of the voice. Scott gives a lame excuse, "Sorry, man. We were just exploring." Stiles internally cringed. The guy glared harder, "Well, you're trespassing. Leave!" The guy turned and walked away but kept listening to them.

"Dude, do you know who that is?" Stiles asked Scott. "No, who is he?" Scott asks. "That was Derek Hale. His family burned to death when we were like 10," Stiles says. Scott shrugs. Stiles shook his head as they started walking back to Roscoe, "Look, how do you feel after being bit? Any strange feelings or whatever?" Scott stopped walking for a moment, "Like what?"

"Like your senses being overloaded. Or the fact that your reflexes have heightened?" Stiles questioned. "I noticed that. What about you?" Scott tilted his head like a puppy. "Same. Tryouts were a breeze. Though the headache from all the noise I could've done without," Stiles rubs his temples. They made it back to Roscoe and Stiles drove Scott home so he could get his bike. Scott had a shift at the Vet Clinic with Alan Deaton. Stiles threw himself into research again to narrow down what was happening to him and Scott.

The next morning Stiles and Scott woke up on the cold ground of the woods. They looked each other over for any injuries and saw none. Neither remembered leaving their homes. They ran at an incredibly fast pace back to their homes and got ready for the day. Both of them feeling out of it from waking up in the middle of the woods. Stiles stuffed the printed pages from his research into his backpack to show Scott. When Stiles got to school, he saw Noah and a few deputies interviewing staff and teachers.

Scott had met up with Stiles, "Do you remember anything from last night?" Stiles shook his head, "It's a blur. Why do you?" "A really strange dream that turned into a nightmare where I attacked Allison," Scott seemed worried. He had his phone in his hand, texting Allison, "I can't get a hold of her." Stiles watched Scott getting frantic, "It's probably just a messed up dream." The both of them enter the bus parking lot on the way to their next class and see one of the buses surrounded by caution tape and the backdoor torn off its hinges covered in blood. Scott paled, "I don't think it was a dream."

Scott continued to text and call Allison, hoping she'll answer so he knows she's okay. Stiles followed behind him as they ran through the school. When rounding a corner Scott bumped into somebody and they both tumbled to the ground. Scott sat on his knees and saw he ran into Allison. Stiles didn't want to intrude so he headed to class. He never got to show Scott the research on werewolves.

The upcoming Friday was a party at Lydia's place. Friday was also the full moon. Scott had invited Allison to the party not knowing the danger he could bring to her and everyone else. Stiles had called Scott over to his house to talk about what was happening to them. Scott came into Stiles' bedroom and surveyed the mess, papers, books, older tomes were scattered all around the room, on the floor, Stiles' bed and desk. "So, what did you find?" Scott pushed some papers over so he could sit on the bed.

Stiles turned in his desk chair to face Scott, "How are you feeling right now? Can't sit still, anxious, irritable, and maybe feel like you're coming out of your skin?" Scott does feel like that but doesn't want to admit it. His mind is on Allison and their date in about an hour, "Anxious maybe. How much Adderall have you had?" Stiles shook his head, "None but that's besides the point. I have been researching everything I can get my hands on."

Stiles picks up one of the older tomes, "Listen to this... Because a Werewolf gains their power from the moon, full moons (especially on supermoons) are when they're at their strongest. However, this also means that their animal instincts and heightened aggression are at their peak as well, which makes them much more likely to lose control and harm or kill someone by accident." Stiles slams the tome shut and looks at Scott, "I mean, don't you feel it? The anger?"

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