Chapter 6: Remembering The Past

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A few moments beforehand, the Heroes were now fighting a Demon-controlled FS, who was becoming a hard foe to fight. Even matching with the strongest bunched together fighting side by side. Nancy was watching from the distance, carefully keeping herself away from the others in case she got in the crossfire. She couldn’t help but just watch the heroes fight so carefully, so courageously, all of them coordinating attacks and combining them into more deadly attacks.

As she watches them fight against the Demon-controlled FS, her hand begins to glow brightly. She notices the Mark she got from last night, remembering this new power she has got, but she’s scared at the same time because she doesn’t know what will happen to her.

Nancy: “This power…”
“What would happen if I…”
*Hesitates* “But I can’t…”
“I don’t want to hurt FS…”

Nancy knew that using her new powers could help at the same time, but she might hurt FS in the process. But at the same time, she could be helpful to other people now, and because of the words from the person in the White Hood, she now feels a bit more confident.

Nancy (Mind): “I can help… I can help now!”
“I just gotta… Concentrate, like how FS would!”

She puts her hand out and begins to concentrate her new powers into her hand, focusing a ball of light at the palm of her hand. While doing this, one of the heroes who weren’t fighting comes by Nancy, watching her focus.

“When did you learn to use Magic, Nancy?”

*Messes up* “Wha!”
“Oh, Sanja!”
“I didn’t see you there…” *Chuckles*

“Yeah, you know how my dad is, ‘Go out more with your team,’!”
“And so, I was told to come here as Support.”

“Man, your father wants you to go out more.”
“But I guess that’s Snom for you, always wanting to have his kids go do things.”

“You're right, I can’t just shake my head no to my dad. He was a pretty big deal back then.” *Rubs head*
“One the Code’s greatest Heroes, y’know.”

“I’ve heard.”
“It was pretty sad to hear that Snom would be retiring from being a hero.”
“Your dad must have had a rough time while working with the others.”

“Oh yeah, he told me everything about his time being a hero.”
“How he met Betty, also my Mom, how he met Frosty, and so on and so on.”

Sanja and Nancy have a nice chuckle and continue to watch the others fight off FS. Sanja takes a look at Nancy’s hand, seeing the Mark imbued on her hand. He grabs her hand and looks at it.

“What are you doing??”

“I’ve never seen this Mark before…”
*Summons a Book and Reads through it*
“Angelica Mark… Demonica Mark…”
“Spiritic Mark… Nothing.”
“That’s strange.”

“Uh… You're making this look very uncomfortable…”
“Besides… I woke up this morning to see this Mark on my hand.”
“And by the time I knew, I gained new Powers!”

“Interesting story, Nancy”
“What’s this new power anyways?”

“Oh!... Uhh…”
“I don’t know really…”

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