Chapter 4: Reliving a Past

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FS and Nancy are now in the forest looking for the Guards and Mysterious women who had passed them a few minutes ago while on their trail to the Town. Both are looking for clues from the passers to see if they left anything behind. Checking for hidden paths, FS and Nancy were having a hard time finding anything weird or suspicious.

FS begins just to give up and sits under a tree. Nancy stands next to him under the tree, disappointed that they didn’t find anything, not even anything out of the ordinary.

FS: “Darn, it… Nothing.”
“Not even a trace of anyone nor those random people.”
“This is dumb.”

Nancy: “Hmm…”
“Maybe our animal friends did!”

FS: “What?? Are you crazy Nancy, That’ll never work-”

*Nancy does a little Whistle…

FS: “...”
“Yeah, I told you, it’s never gonna work, Nancy.”

Nancy: “Oh really?”

A sudden rumble comes out of nowhere, FS stands up and prepares his blade, but Nancy holds his sword down and tells him to calm down and just watch what happens. What happens next is that FS suddenly gets tackled by the same bear whom he cuddled with. The bear begins to lick FS, showing its love and respect for him, and begins to cuddle again.

FS had finally calmed down the bear, and they both stood next to each other.

FS: *Wipes off Salva* “Ugh… Hope you are happy.”

Bear: “Gra!”

FS: *Dries off* “Well, now that’s over with, Bear, have you seen any people besides us in the Forest lately?”

*The Bear looks at him, confused.

Nancy: “Here let me try,”
*Clears throat* “Ahem…”
*Roars and Growls at the Bear.

*The Bear looks at Nancy.

FS: *Laughs* “Nice try, but I’m one hundred percent that didn’t work.”

Nancy: “Oh really?” *Points at the Bear*

The Bear begins to look around and sniffs the air, trying to get the scent. FS looks at Nancy, who now has a smudged face. FS rubs his knuckles on Nancy’s head and tells her not to get excited because he points at the bear who begins to move. They both follow the bear’s track as they sniff the air.

Nancy: “Told you it’ll work.” *Giggles*
“I have very good Animal Language, you know?”

FS: “Yeah, yeah, let’s just find this person and get this done.”

FS gets ahead of Nancy, but she fastens along with FS to keep pace. They followed the bear until it stopped at a hidden dirt path. It was in plain sight when they first walked through there.

Nancy: “Good boy, Mr. Bear!”
“But this path was the same path we’d walked.”
“I noticed that log over there and those rocks.”

FS: “We must have missed it since we were too immersed in the wilderness.”
“But, I feel a sense of energy coming from the dirt path anyways.”
*Summons a sword and walks the dirt path.
“Stay behind me, Nancy.”

Nancy: “Okay.”
*Pulls out her sword and follows FS.

Both FS and Nancy walk the path, leaving the bear back into the Wild. As they walked the path, the trees that covered them began to change colors, not a rainbow pattern-like change but just a physical change. Nancy began to wonder what happened to these trees and why they were different colors. She said “It wasn’t Fall Season yet.”.

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