Chapter 2: New Frontiers

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As the day struck night, our two heroes, FS and Nancy, were having the time of their lives. Partying, dancing, playing games, singing Shanties, and more. They drank and cheered for their new adventure, having a good moment because they were gonna make history: A New History, A New Story.

FS, Nancy, and many of the sailors are still playing and singing as we cut to them.

Sailor 1: "Yeah! Cheers, everyone!
Sailor 4: Woohoo!

Nancy: "Drink up, boys!"
*Chugs a drink*
"Buh! Wooo!"


FS: "Full-House." *Slaps down his cards.
"Good game, mates."

Sailor 2: "Augh... You just got lucky FS!" *Laughs*

Sailor 3: "Man, you're crazy good at card games!"

FS: "Thanks, y'all."
*Looks at Nancy, drinking and partying*
"Hmph. At least she is having a good time."

*Punches FS's shoulder* Sailor 2: "I'm still up for another game, c'mon, let's go again, bud!"

FS: "Oh, I'm good now. You guys keep playing." *Toss a coin to them*
"I got somewhere to go now." *Waves Goodbye*

FS walks off, but Nancy sees him going somewhere and decides to follow him, setting her cup of Joe on a box and running to him.

Nancy: "FS, where are you going?"
"We're having a blast down there with the others!"
"Why are you walking alone to the edge of the ship?"

FS: "I just wanna... Think about something..."
"Take my mind and further enhance it."

Nancy: "C'mon FS, we are making history!"

FS: "Yet, history has its flaws."
"War, Revenge, Destruction, Lost..."
"So many... There are so many losses..."

Nancy: *Holds his hand*
"And it has its moments."
"Forgiveness, Hope, Dreams, Love."

FS: ". . ."

Nancy: "Remember, we're in this together, you promised."
"As One."

FS looks at her, and she smiles back while holding his hand. He slowly looks forward to the Moon, watching its reflection from the water.

Nancy: "You see? You're not the only one who's wondering."
"Right FS? FS?..."

FS: ". . ."

He lets go of her hand and just sits on a box staring off into the Moon. She saw his face. It was a blank stare, and not even a single wave on his face wasn't enough. Nancy gives up grabs a box and sits next to him, laying her head on his shoulder, staring off into the Moon with him. She begins to tear up a bit.

Nancy: *Sighs* "I wished I wasn't so short... Maybe I could have a chance with you..."
"What about you, FS? Would you still like me as a friend, even if I grew taller?"

*FS doesn't answer...*

Nancy: *Sighs* ". . . I guess not then..."

Nancy places her head on his lap, crying in the process. She was beginning to think that FS is becoming something even she won't remember... This thought made her cry and whimper... Soon, she fell asleep on FS's lap. A few moments later, FS comes back to his senses and shakes his head, wondering what in the world had happened to him.

FS: "Ugh..." *Holds head*
"What... Happened...?"
*Notices Nancy on his Lap*
"Oh. . . So that's what happened..."

FS just stares at her, calmly sleeping on him, wiping her tears in the process. He strokes her hair gently as he hears the cheers and laughter of the sailors ever so clearly.

Nancy: *Sleep Talks* "FS... Don't go..."

FS: ". . . I won't..."
*Strokes her hair*
"I promise... I won't."

He wonders now... Should he change? Should he be a better person to Nancy, or should he stay as he is now? Those words Ares said to him are echoing in his mind... He can't get it out of his head. He always thought Ares was wise but never too wise.

FS: "What do you mean, Ares..."
"What did you mean when you said, 'You'll one day have to choose between your life or your friends for a bigger risk'?"
"What are you thinking about Ares...?"

We cut back to the HQ, where Ares, Cortex, and another Hero are watching the Boat via a Tracking Device implanted in the Ship's Code. Cortex was tapping away at a computer while Ares was watching from a different screen.

Ares: "How's the Ship looking Cortex?"

Cortex: "I should be the one asking you that question, Ares."
"Besides, the boat is still a prototype, so I won't know what will happen if the boat disappears, including FS and Nancy."

???: "Why didn't you tell them it was a Prototype Ares? You weren't doing anything when they both were leaving."
???: "And, FS and Nancy of all people, we could have sent any other Better Hero we had for this."

"Old friend Ambush, it was a good idea."
*Holds a book in hand*
"It's time for FS to find out who he really is."

Ambush: ". . ."

Ambush looks at the Book Ares holds. He then stares at him, wondering how and where he got that book. Ambush walks up to him and pats his shoulder.

Ambush: "You have guts, friend, but just too many guts."
"And, whatever you saw in that Book, their Future may never appear."

Ares: ". . ."
"Maybe... Just maybe."
*Look at the Book*
"You'll never know, Ambush... Many of us have changed our futures."

Ambush: "Maybe FS, but not Nancy."
"She's still new to our team,"
"She won't know what will happen to her in the future."
"Do you want that to happen to her?"

Ares: ". . ."
"I know what I'm doing, Old Friend, but you're just overreacting."

Cortex: "Hate to break the conversation between you two, but take a look at this."

Ares and Ambush head to the computer. They all looked at a Digital Map on the screen and noticed a slim edge of lines. Cortex and Ambush wonder what this is, but Ares knows something is up.

Ares: "I knew it... They're still out there."
"The Lost Lands."

As they watch the ship get closer and closer, the Digital Map begins to enlarge, and it soon shows a bigger landscape, Cortex looks in shock and surprise. Ares crosses his arms and smiles.

Ares: "So, this is it..."
"Make sure when they hit the shores, context him immediately."
"Their Adventure is about to begin."

We now cut back to FS, who just put Nancy in her room after she cried herself to sleep. He suddenly gets called by Cortex and walks outside, then picks up his phone and calls Cortex.

FS: "What do you need, Cortex?"

Cortex: "There's something you need to see FS."
"It's... Something I never believed."
"Even for my own eyes."

FS: "What...?"
"What are you talking about?"

Cortex: "Just look out the window of the ship."

FS looks through a window from the inside of the boat and sees an island of some sort. He runs up to the docks of the boat, hearing many of the sailors running back and forth commanding each other. He begins to help the sailors as much as he can quickly.

FS "Holy Moly..."
"Looks like there's more to this world than I thought..."

FS hops on top of boxes and smiles, now thinking this adventure just got more interesting.

FS: "Land Ho! Land Ho!"

???: "Land Ho indeed Hero!"
"Time to set this baby to high gear!"

He watches as the ship begins to go a bit faster, holding onto a rope, he looks at the many lights in the night sky ahead of them, hoping to find more about what this world has in store for them.

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