Chapter 5: Promises to Promises

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Nancy looks at the white hooded figure, blinded by the brightness of the shine, making the room glow. They both looked face to face, but all Nancy could see was the figure's mouth. The eyes were covered in darkness. Soon, the figure turned the brightness down with the snap of their fingers, having the room return to normal bright dark, while the moonlight of the darkness shone through the window.

Nancy: "Who... are you?"

???: "My name... doesn't concern your needs..."
"But... Your name... Nancy... It's a beautiful name..."

The figure slowly walks towards her... gently touching her chin and soon sees the sleeping FS. Nancy thinks that they're here for him, but the figure assures her that they mean no harm.

???: "Look at him..."
"So scared... So young..."
"Wanting to become a hero to all..."
"And yet, he's still learning..."

Nancy: "Learning what? What is he learning?"

The figure doesn't talk. They just stroke FS's hair. Nancy begins to wonder who this person is and why they said all those things. She walks up to them and questions them.

Nancy: "Is there something wrong with my friend?"

???: "No..."
"No, nothing is wrong with him..."
"He's just remembering..."

Nancy: "Remembering what?"
"What is my friend Remembering?"

The figure stops stroking FS's head and turns to face Nancy. She can feel the flow of aura coming from the figure. All she can do is just stare at them while in a shocked state. But as the figure kneels, they take Nancy's hand and place theirs on hers.

???: "Nancy Leon..."
"I entrust you with this power..."
"And with it... promise me this..."
"Protect our Son..."
"And, you can have us promise you a wish..."

Nancy: "What power? What 'Promise'? Who's your son?"
"And, why are you doing this... for me?"
"Giving power to someone like me who can't even shoot a spark of magic?"

The figure giggles softly and places a finger on her mouth, hushing her quietly. Nancy then looks back at the figure with a confused expression.

???: "If you want... I'll promise you that..."
"That we'll explain everything in return..."
"But you first have to protect our Son... He is the reason this Story you both now walk is happening..."

Nancy: "I..."
". . ."
"Okay then..."
"I'll do it..."

Nancy sees the figure smile. She can feel a sense of warmth within her body as they smile. Soon, the figure begins to release its Aura into Nancy, her body illuminating brightly as the transfer continues. Nancy begins to feel dizzy as this continues, but she still holds on. As the transfer finishes, Nancy sees a Mark on her hand, and her body begins to feel tired and weak.

Nancy: *Deep breathing. "My body... feels... weak..."
"So tired..."

???: "Hush now Nancy... Your body is only getting used to the power I've given you..."
"And now, with it... Your promise is now safe with me..."
"Goodbye and until we meet again..."

As they begin to walk towards the window, Nancy stops them by holding onto their cloak. The figure looks down as Nancy begins to fall to the ground, weakened and tired.

Nancy: "Before... you leave..."
"Promise me... this..."

???: "Hmm...?"

Nancy: "Whomever you are..."
"Please... protect us..."
"Protect us when we are in trouble..."
"And protect us from any threat that hunts us down..."

The figure chuckles softly and kneels once more to Nancy and gently touches her face. The warmth of their hands fills Nancy with a sense of safety and guidance... Nancy, who begins to feel drowsy, slowly closes her eyes.

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