The Shift

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Monday came way too fast. Parker was enrolled in school and we had a few classes together, but no surprise it was the same classes I had with Jake, so chances of us putting our friendship back together was close to zero. I tried to talk to him first period until Parker walked through the door like he owned the place. I let it go and decided to talk to him third period instead.

Free period we were in the library, Avery and I were sitting at a table quietly talking while we waited to Jake to walk in.

“I don’t think he is going to show.” Avery said.

“You don’t know that.” I said glaring at her. “Why wouldn’t he?”

“You didn’t see him after you and Parker left, Ce, he’s destroyed.” Avery said sadly “He really cares about you.”

“It’s not like I can reject my mate.” I said.

“Well, ya could.” I gasped when Avery said that. How could I reject my mate? I had hurt stories where it was totally painful and a stupid decision.

“I can’t believe you said that.” I said. Avery looked at me apologetically. Jake walked through the doors then, he saw me and walked towards the back of the library towards some book shelves, and disappeared behind them. “I’ll be back.”

I got up and walked towards Jake.   I was nervous to talk to him, what if he didn’t want to be my friend anymore? I couldn’t handle that.

“Hey Jake.” I said when I stepped around the corner.

“What?”  He asked with a bored tone.

“Can we talk?” I asked scared. He looked up at me and back down at a book he was looking at

“Sure, talk.”

“Jake, you’re like my best friend.” I started. “You can’t throw our friendship away because of some stupid fight.”

“Really?” he asked “You are so unbelievable. I didn’t throw our friendship away that night; you did when you walked away and went with that jackass instead of staying with me. Can’t you see through him like I can? He’s a Manwhore, and he’s only going to end up hurting you in the end. Like I said don’t expect me to be there when he does.”

Jake quickly closed the book, put it away and left me standing there with tears rolling down my face, I watched mutter a quick hello to Avery and walk out of the library. I don’t know why, but I felt numb on the inside, my best friend just ditched me because I found my mate. I walked out of the library and towards the bathroom, just so I could see Parker leaning against the water fountain talking to a pretty tall, tanned, blonde girl that’s on the cheerleading team. My blood was boiling.

“Really?” I asked walking up to him and pushing him against the wall. “This is how you treat girls, you met me three or four days ago and now you are going after the first tall blonde you see?”

“It’s not what it looks like Cecilia, I swear, I was just asking her for science notes.” He said.

“Really?” I asked.

“Yeah, I swear.”

“The last time I checked you had science with me, and this bimbo is a sophomore, you’re a senior.” I said and slapped him.

“It’s not his fault he wants something better than a wolf that can’t shift.” The blonde said and walked into the bathroom.

“You told her?” I asked and walked into the bathroom. I walked in one of the stalls and sat down on the toilet seat.

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