A/N: Feedback!

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Hey, I'm just checking in with everybody. I think it's important to take feedback and listen to all of you every once in a while.

Here's a page where I can answer any questions or where you guys can give me any critiques.

I hope you are all enjoying so far!

I'm sorry for the lapses of times in between updates; my acting career has been keeping me really busy as of late. Thankfully, I, as of the current moment, have a break from now until (pending) January. So I should be theoretically writing more.

Let me know if anyone, especially our sexy Captain Levi, starts acting out of character. Please let me know if you want any changes to (Y/N) or if you like her how she is! I'm pretty proud of her.

Let me know if she needs more or less backstory as well!

I would also like to hear if I'm coming on too strongly with the romance/smut, or if you need more of it.

I am not the biggest fan of author's notes littered throughout stories, but I want to make sure this one is as enjoyable as possible, so I will be checking up on you guys every once in a while.

Thank you everybody for reading! And the votes! And for adding this story to your libraries! Don't ever feel shy to react or comment as well.

I love you guys!

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