13: Rumors

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You awaken to a familiar and veiny pare of soft hands wrapped firmly around your torso. His fingers cling to your hips.

You notice his other arm is still tucked underneath your neck. You tilt your head over to the window and see sun faintly pouring in.

You slide out of his grip and slowly sneak into the bathroom for some privacy.

What the fuck even happened last night?

You walk up to the mirror and see a faint blue oval bruised right around your jugular vein.

He really left an actual thumbprint. People are going to gossip about us even more.

You think about the weird agreement he made last night too.

Clingy little sack of room service.

Maybe if he gets laid every once in a while, he won't be so fucking mean all the time. I'll think about it.

You brush your teeth and hear stirring in the other room. Levi is awake. The door slams open.

"I could've been taking a shit, you know!" You gasp.

"Why....." he mumbles, "why did you leave?"

He almost looks defeated.

"I don't know, I'm hungry I guess? Why do you care, Mr. Possessive Horny Pants?"

He rubs his forehead with his index and his palm.

"I fell asleep last night."


"I don't sleep."

He sits down on the edge of the bathtub. You spit out your toothpaste into the sink and look over at him.

"What do you mean? Everybody sleeps."

"I slept in. I- how did you- what did you do to me?"

"I don't know what's gotten into you, but I'm getting breakfast. You're weirding me out."

It's true that this is very out of character for him. You turn to the door and leave. He just stands there and watches you walk out of sight before going about his own business.

You creep down the stairs and into a small tavern area. There, a small overhead light the casts light into the scene before you. Eight small tables are perfectly aligned throughout the room. An L-shaped bar hugs the wall and is adorned with various foods and cutlery.

You hear the chinking of plates and hope that none of the faces stuffing their mouths with food is a familiar one. To be honest, if any of your friends are down here, you'd rather not even know.

You feel something thud against your back. Apparently you're moving too slow.

"Oof." You hush out.

You look back to see what the impact was, and it was none other than the man you shared a bed with last night.

"There she is!" You hear a female voice come from a table behind you. "(Y/N), come here!"


You look over your shoulder and see Sasha, Connie, and your favorite person, Hange, hovered over a table.

How is she always everywhere?!

You glare at Levi before walking over to the table.


"How'd you sleep? Did you get any?" Hange asks. Levi sits down at the table too.

Sapphire Wings (Levi x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now