Chapter 15

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This Is Why We Fight by The Civil Wars

Alive by Meat Loaf

TW: violence, anxiety

Crowley lay facing the wall in her cell. By her count, she'd been in Heaven for at least twenty-four hours. She was physically comfortable—not cold, hungry, or thirsty—and emotionally a wreck. She couldn't think of a single viable escape plan. She could take out Jophiel and make a run for it, but then she had Sandalphon and the guards to contend with. In the unlikely event she got past them, she'd be stuck in Heaven with no allies, no weapons, and no idea where she was. Then there was the baby to consider...

Voices sounded outside her cell, rousing her from her almost-sleep.

"We're here to see the demon," said Jophiel.

"It's just layin' there," the guard reported. "Not doin' anything."

"I don't care what it's doing," Michael shot back. "Stand aside."

Crowley smirked, imagining the look on guard's gormless face as he got yelled at by an Archangel. He lost, obviously, because Jo and Michael came in.

"Crowley," Jo said, "this is Michael, and she's--"

"We've met," Crowley interrupted, rolling over. She was too tired to sit up; make them come to her. "Isn't that right, Big Sister?"

"Oh, shut up, Raph," Michael snapped. "You've always been the problem child."

"Let her touch you," Jo urged Crowley.


"Just let her feel the baby. Let her feel the love. I'm trying to help you," the healer whispered.

"Just a touch, Michael," Crowley warned. "If you try anything--"

Michael already had her hand on the demon's belly. She froze, her eyes widening as she sensed the infant's power. "It's true," she whispered. "It's all true. My God, that's an angel...inside a demon."

"Doesn't make sense to me, either," Crowley admitted. "But God sent her to us. She called her a special angel, unlike anybody else."

"Now you see," Jo said to Michael. "Don't you?"

"Yes," Michael breathed. "We have to be very careful as to what we do next."

She lowered her voice further—but one of the guards banged frantically on the door, motioning them outside. Michael sighed, and gave him the 'one minute' finger.

"I don't suppose I could talk you into surrendering your...child?" she asked Crowley. "It belongs in Heaven."

"She belongs with her family," Crowley snarled.

"I thought so. Well, it's time for extreme sanctions, then."

Michael went out to the hall, where a soldier paced back and forth. He led her away from Crowley's cell, and blurted out the situation.

"Archangel Michael, the Principality Aziraphale has gained access to Heaven. We believe he is heading this way."

"I told you to seal all the doors against him!" Michael snapped, furious. The last thing they needed was an angry Aziraphale running around, not with the situation so tenuous.

"We did," the guard said. "But he used an override code."

"What the Heaven are you talking about?"

"The authority of the Supreme Archangel supersedes all security protocols," the guard told her helplessly. "And Aziraphale's code is still active."

"Of course it is," Michael sniped. "Sound the alarm, but do not engage him. Await my orders."

The soldier nodded and took off, speaking into his communication device. The intruder alarm began to sound moments later, a brittle ringing that eclipsed everything else.

Sandalphon arrived at a dead run—or rather, a solid jog, since that was all his overweight corporation could handle. "Michael, good, you're already here," he panted. "You heard the news?"

"Naturally," Michael replied coldly. "I've already sent soldiers to deal with the problem."

"You didn't consult me."

"That," Michael said in a dangerously soft voice, "is because I outrank you. It is my responsibility to keep Heaven safe, and I have managed to do so for over a million years now, without your help. It's your fault we're in this situation in the first place!"

"My fault?" Sandalphon repeated. "I brought that filthy demon here in God's service! For the greater good!"

"You brought Crowley here to bolster your standing, and continue your vendetta against Aziraphale, nothing more. You've hated that Principality since we were all cherubs." Michael turned toward the cell door as it opened, and Jophiel came out, dragging Crowley with her. "Jophiel, take the demon to the infirmary and place it in isolation. Take care not to be seen; it's essential that the principality thinks it is still here. When he arrives, we'll be ready for him."

"Aziraphale will crush you," Crowley spat. "He'll find me no matter where I am, and he won't stop til I'm safe."

"Silence," Jophiel snapped, jerking Crowley's arm. "Your angel won't stand a chance. Maybe if you're lucky, we'll let you say goodbye before you're both executed."

"Quite a change in attitude," Sandalphon remarked. "What happened to keeping it safe and healthy?"

"No one said anything about being nice. Come on, demon. Move."

They marched off to the sounds of Michael and Sandalphon bickering. Once their voices had faded into the distance, Jo stopped and untied Crowley's hands.

"That was a close one," the healer commented. "Didn't expect Sandy to show up."

"Like a bad penny." Crowley rubbed her wrists.

Jophiel unbuckled the harness binding Crowley's wings. "We don't have much time."

"Is Aziraphale really here?"

"He was spotted two floors down. We'll have to hurry to intercept him before he runs into Sandy's trap."

One moment Jo was beside Crowley, the next she was being jerked backward by a set of meaty hands.

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