Chapter 12

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Meet Me On The Battle Field by SVRCINA

Fall In Line by Christina Aguilera ft Demi Lovato

TW: threats of bodily harm to a pregnant person, anxiety, fear

The trail of destruction through the back of the shop showed how hard Crowley fought her captors; outside, the alley was a mess of footprints, ash, and puddles of black demon blood. Aziraphale smiled grimly, imagining Crowley's fangs sinking into the nearest unlucky hand. It must have taken several of them to overpower her, judging by the mess left behind.

The blood trail ended in the alley, as did the smell. Aziraphale paused, taking a deep breath. He reached out with his other senses, searching....searching...

There. It wasn't a smell, or a taste, it was a feeling, an indefinable something that was Crowley. Aziraphale followed it.

As he tracked them, he turned the whole situation over in his mind. The angel he and Crowley sensed had told one side or the other about the baby, that was clear enough. But who had they told? How had the demons gotten past the bookshop wards? Both he and Crowley had added some. A demon could break through Crowley's wards, but not Aziraphale's. An angel could break past Aziraphale's wards, but not Crowley's. It would take angelic and demonic power working in tandem to get through. By all rights, they should have been safe. It's not like Heaven and Hell would work together, would they?

He wasn't even surprised when the trail ended at a door to Heaven.


Time had little meaning in a place with no sunlight or darkness. Crowley had no contact with anyone outside her cell, except for the miraculous appearance of a toilet when she shouted at the guards that if they didn't give her one she was going to piss all over the floor. She half-hoped they wouldn't, just so she would get the satisfaction of making those prissy angels clean up after her.

Other than relieving herself four or five times—a typical pregnancy side effect—Crowley stayed crouched in the corner, whispering to Hope. She was active, which was a relief. The movements made Crowley's back and ribs ache, but it was a reassuring pain, because it meant that her baby was okay.

Finally, the door opened and a small angel stepped in, followed by Sandalphon. They were female-presenting, with piercing green eyes and hair so blonde it was white. They surveyed Crowley for a moment, then turned to Sandalphon. "You can leave us."

Sandalphon scowled. "That thing will jump you the second your back is turned."

"Perhaps, but I can't do my job with you looming over my shoulder. Out."

Still scowling, Sandalphon slumped out, and slammed the door. The newcomer turned back to Crowley. "Now that that idiot's gone, we can talk. I'm Jophiel, you can call me Jo, and I'm a Healer. I'm here to help."

Crowley snorted. "Forgive me if I don't fucking believe you, given what they want to do with my child."

"I have no idea what they want with it," Jo said honestly. "My orders are to keep the baby healthy, and to do that I have to keep you healthy. Can I sit, without you trying to kill me?"

Strangling one little angel wouldn't get Crowley anywhere but in trouble, so she shrugged in assent. "Sure."

Jo sat on the floor, leaning her back against the wall. "I propose a truce. If you cooperate with me, I'll take care of you as best I can. Make sure you're comfortable."

"Right until they take my baby away."

"Like I said, I don't know what they're planning. But if you let me, I can make sure no harm comes to you until then." Jo raised her eyebrows. "Do we have an accord?"

Crowley could tell that Jo was telling the truth. Of course, she wasn't to be trusted, but a truce seemed a reasonable step; she couldn't just sit here on the floor. "Agreed."

"Good," Jo said. "I'd like to take the ties off your wrists. Please don't do anything stupid."

Crowley nodded, and sat still as the bonds fell away. The feeling of freedom was nothing to the comfort that came from wrapping her arms around her belly protectively.

"That's better." Jo miracl'd the ropes away. "Have you had anything to eat or drink?"


"And you've been sitting on the floor for--" the angel checked her watch "--six hours?"

"Yup," Crowley said lightly.

Jo took a deep breath as though trying to collect herself. "Bloody idiots. First things first, let's make this place reasonably comfortable."

The healer snapped her fingers. A bed appeared; simple and unadorned, but the blanket looked soft. Another snap, and a glowing orange orb appeared near the ceiling, giving off a wonderful heat. "That's a bit better. Would  you like me to help you up so you can sit on the bed?"

The answer was no, but Crowley knew she couldn't stand on her own, not with her muscles cramped and her center of gravity so fucked up. She gritted her teeth, and let the healer take her arm.

Crowley barely made it to her feet before her head spun; she lunged to the side and vomited in the toilet.

"Goodness." Jo knelt beside her. "Are you injured?"

"You mean, aside from the knot on my head?" Crowley vomited again.

"Your head?" Jo touched Crowley's scalp, and quickly found the area of swelling and dried blood. "Those bloody idiots."

A wave of Jo's hand healed the wound. The nausea faded, along with the splitting headache. Crowley sighed in relief.

"Is that better?" Jo asked.

"Yes, thank you," Crowley replied, and meant it. Leaning on the toilet, she levered to her feet. " 

Take it slow." Jo helped her over to the bed, helped her sit. "I'll get you something to eat, and let you rest, then I'll be back in a couple hours to examine you.

"You are not getting your Holy hands on my vagi--"

"Certainly not," Jo agreed. "I'm not going anywhere near your Effort until I have to. I just want to give you a quick once-over and read your auras." She headed for the door. "See you in a couple hours."

The healer left, dragging Sandalphon with her like a naughty child. Crowley smirked. Under different circumstances, she could see herself befriending the spunky angel.

A few minutes later, a covered tray appeared on the bed beside Crowley. She peeked inside. Yup, just what she was afraid of—manna, the substance given to the Israelites in the desert and the only food available in Heaven. The Bible said it tasted of bread and honey; Heaven's version tasted of cardboard.

She thought of all the wonderful food that Aziraphale made her, from the recipes he found in his beloved books. What she wouldn't give for a stack of blueberry pancakes right now. But it wouldn't taste the same without Aziraphale's love in it.

There was no love in Heaven.

At least Hell had alcohol.

Crowley ate the manna because she knew she had to, and gulped down the accompanying water. Then she threw it all up. The glass and plate refilled, so she ate and drank again, more slowly. Inside her, Hope squirmed.

"You've got our angel's appetite," Crowley murmured, rubbing her belly. "Do us both a favor and stay inside until we get out of here."

  Before falling asleep, she decided that she would rather have her baby alone and unassisted than let anyone lay hands on either of them, including the unusual healer.

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