Don't Talk About It

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Following another grueling flight, Y/N and Irene's weary bodies found relief as their plane touched down in the bustling metropolis of Tokyo.

"Y/N-ah, can you carry me?" Irene pleaded.

"Why? Did your legs turn to jelly?"

"No, I'm just tired."

Y/N sighed. "Hop on."

Y/N carried Irene all the way to the arrival gate, where their ride would be waiting.

"Y/N, Irene... Fancy seeing you here again."

"Hi, Suzy..."

"I brought another person along, if you don't mind."

The door of the car opened, and out came Seolhyun.

"Yah, what is she doing here?!" Y/N cried.

"I figured I'd give some help."

"With what?"

"Y/N-ah, don't be so rude. If she wants to help, she can. Don't reject her services for your personal ego."

Y/N put Irene down and stormed off.

"Don't worry about him." Irene told Suzy and Seolhyun, "He's had a rough few days."

"Where is he going? The car is right here." Suzy asked.

"I'll explain everything later..."

Time Skip

The "anticipation" of the journey and the relentless hours in the air had taken their toll, but their spirits were rekindled as they disembarked, greeted by the blend of modernity and tradition that defined the city. Tokyo's vibrant lights and the hum of its lively streets promised a new adventure, reinvigorating their travel-worn souls.

The quartet found themselves right in the heart of Tokyo, navigating through the meticulously orchestrated chaos that defined the city. It was everything they had envisioned Tokyo to be—an urban jungle teeming with millions of people, the clamor of street vendors hawking their wares, a sea of taxis rushing by, and an electrifying tapestry of neon signs lighting up the cityscape in a mesmerizing display of color and motion.

"So, where are we supposed to go?" Y/N asked as he observed the city life.

Suzy scanned the area with her glasses. "According to Siwon-ssi, our destination is somewhere over here..."

They walk into a small alleyway and approach a (slightly) suspicious door.

"What are we even doing here?"

"According to SJ Corp, there's some important people we're supposed to meet up with that come here on a daily basis." Seolhyun said.

Suzy knocked on the door, and a man opened a small hole in the door.

"Who's there?"

"No one."

The man took a few seconds, closed the hatch, and then opened the door.

The man ushered in the four of them. "Come in—hurry."

"No one? Seriously?" Y/N questioned, "That's some elementary level stuff."

With every step, they went deeper into the room, with the first observation being the sheer density of people crammed into the confined space. The scene immediately struck them as reminiscent of an underground nightclub, where the intimacy of the setting added to the energy, with bodies moving and voices blending to create a dynamic environment that seemed to pulse with life. Although, no one was dancing, more so being overly consumed with alcohol.

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