Training Day

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It has been about a day since Y/N and Irene arrived in the Netherlands. The two were obviously jetlagged, but they couldn't rest, not even for one hour. They were about to begin the most intense training session of their lives.

Well, "about to" is probably a bit of an exaggeration.

And "intense" might be a bit of an overstatement.

"Can we at least change our clothes first?" Y/N asked.

"Yeah, I feel really dirty," Irene added.

"You can change your clothes, but be quick about it," Siwon answered. "We have a lot to get through today."

Y/N and Irene headed to the changing area.

In front of them was a large LED screen disguised as a mirror.

The changing area lit up.

"Hello," An automated voice came over the sound system. "I am the electronic task keeper, otherwise known as E-TK, but you can call me Leeteuk." [a/n: for those who don't know, in Korean, "lee" is pronounced "ee"]

"Hello, Leeteuk," Y/N responded.

"It's nice to meet you, Leeteuk," Irene added.

"You seem like you are in desperate need of a touch-up," Leeteuk said. "Please, allow me to help."

Several arms came down from the ceiling above Y/N and Irene. Soon enough the two were out of their old clothes and into fresh, new clothes—along with a quick teeth brush, some mouthwash, some deodorant for Y/N, and a quick spray of perfume for Irene.

Not long after that, the robotic arms went back into the ceiling.

"Goodbye for now," Leeteuk said.

"See ya later," Y/N said.

"It was nice meeting you," Irene added.

Siwon and Donghae were getting impatient.

"Hurry up, you two."

Y/N and Irene rushed out of the changing area. "We're coming."

Soon after, the four entered the training area.

"So here's the deal," Donghae began to explain. "One of you will specialize in weapons, while the other will specialize in hand-to-hand combat."

Y/N and Irene look at each other.

"You do the fist fighting," Y/N pointed at Irene. "if I ever get into a fight with a woman, I'd either lose or get sued."

"Fair enough," Irene responded.

Siwon and Donghae froze in confusion.

"I mean, getting sued? That's somewhat possible..." Siwon added, observing Y/N. "...But lose? There's no way. Just look at yourself. You're massive."

"I'm only 6 foot 3."

"Only?" Donghae chimed in. "You're WAY taller than me. Any woman would be scared by you regardless."

"Okay, that doesn't mean anything."

Irene chimed in. "Y/N's just scared that they'd kiss him rather than kill him."

"That is not true."

"Oh, it's very true."

"Look, we're getting off-topic here."

Siwon led Y/N and Irene to the training room.

Mini Time Skip

Y/N was at the gun range, while Irene was in the boxing gym.

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