Bang... it over...

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I got back home, slept and worked through the day. Thankfully nothing really bad happened as my coworkers saw my state and let me off quite easily. I was just glad that the boss of the place and I mean all the places where I work was not there. In the evening, I collapsed on the bed tired as hell but hey this was my life and this was how I lived. 




Inko: IZUKU!

Oh what now? It's how late?

... 1 in the fucking morning!

What do you want from me now?

There was this habit that I had and that meant that I was locking the door quite well here and there. Sometimes I would forget to do it and sometimes I would just lock it because I wanted to be alone. Today was one of the days where I locked the door because I didn't know it any better. Not only was I sick but I was also tired. So of course I wanted to be left alone.


Sluggishness was not a word right now since this screaming and banging woke me up. I knew that my mother had to be drunk but why? Honestly I didn't really care but sometimes I would just throw out this question which I wanted to be unanswered.

Why was one of these questions. 

Now I did had two options.... one to just leave it locked and face the consequences tomorrow or unlock the door and see what my mother wanted. It may not be the best idea but before I go starving for a week or getting actually punched soo hard to get some bruises, I decided to open the door. That meant I had to stand up and get to the door first. 

Of course what did I do?

I fell down because me foot was tangled up in one of my blankets and yes I do have more than one because I am like a cold blooded reptile and just needed some warmth. So mind you, I had a lot of blankets and cushions. Besides I didn't mind being burried alive under these and getting eaten by my bed.

Anyways when I got to the door and finally opened it, I was met with this drenching and stinging stench of alcohol which immediately got to my nose. Ohh how I hate this. 

Inko: fucking finally.

Talking about being polite.... there was no chance of reasoning though. I would try if I could but I knew that there was no way out of this one. Still no one could blame me for being grumpy today.

Me: What do you want.


Yeah, I already figured that I responded the wrong way but whelp, that is what happened and no taking it back anymore. Whelp, I was screwed... soo really really royaly screwed. FUCK!

Me: I am sorry.


That wouldn't safe me now... no way would that safe me now. 

She just looked at me first before she slapped me. Since I didn't really react much, she grabbed my ear and dragged me to the living room where she basically threw me to the ground. Yeah, I knew how to act by now and went on my knees and then started begging. Oh wow! What a scene I was making but this was basically what would safe me!

Inko: Begging won't help you ungrateful son of a bitch.

Me: Mom, I am really sorry. 

Inko: Sorry? Sorry if you were sorry then you would be a bit more grateful.

Me: I'll do anything.

Inko: Then go scrub the damn kitchen floor and get me something to eat.

This was my mother when she was drunk. She tend to be indifferent about basically everything and wouldn't care about me or the household or anything. Besides that she also would forget what happened and it was up to me to clean up the mess. 

Me: Sure. I'm on it.

I was barefoot when I rushed towards the kitchen and it took me just seconds after I got in to feel the pain on my feet. The ground was literally littered with all kind of shards. Still I didn't had enough time to think about that when I got over to quickly go to make something to eat. There was not much in the kitchen and since I didn't really buy anything, there was really not a lot to make. The best I could do was actually something out of scratches but that was also not an options since there was just nothing left at all. 

So when I started to panick and was about to salvage the whole kitchen for basically anything, it was already to late. My mother as impatient as she was came into the room and then started screaming and yelling and I didn't even get what she screamed at. It was just all muffled.

Is it just me or is it getting hotter?

I am soo tired of this...

I don't want this...

This actually the last thing I was thinking about before I felt a hit and I just dropped to the ground. Dunno really what happened. I didn't feel much pain or anything but I did kinda realize that I was falling to the ground before I actualy closed my eyes to rest.

Of course I knew that this was not the best option and the best place nor the time to rest.

Still... I just felt tired.

I just couldn't anymore.

When was the last time I slept more than just 4 hours?

I can't even remember a time where I rested up a lot and didn't had to care for anything. 

So don't blame me for just wanting to rest!

Of course not for eternity but right here and right now.

My body needed it too!

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