Smile Snowflake! Smile!

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Of course I ignored the pain which came with using my quirk. There was just this thing that I couldn't use it that much thanks to my parents. They think it's dangerous but I think I can handle it. Of course I was not allowed to use it when I was a kid since I could do soo many mistakes with it but now? I am a teenager and I am still having a damn quirk cancelation thing on! Shame on me for that! Besides I hated it! I wanted to burn it!

Still I smiled at her.

Eri: I am Eri..... How... How did you do that?

Me: Do what?

Crocking my head in confusion I looked at her and then decided to actually offer her my hand. It was only a question if she would take it or not. There was no need for her to feel pressured at all and I would see it whenever she would hate it or not. I was not blind after all.

Thankfully she took my hand and not only that but hopped off the heroes leg and looked at me once again. Now she was standing her ground and curiosity had her tightly in its grip.

Eri: Well that.

Me: I don't know what you mean.

I felt her quirk still acting up a bit but since she was now using it on myself, I knew that my own quirk was negating it automatically. Things like that don't work on me at all.

Eri: I mean.. he... I... huh?

Now I had confused her completly and honstly this was what I wanted to do. I wanted her to feel safe and secure and not regret anything or start thinking too much like I was back when I was a kid. 

Me: I don't know Snowflake. Did something happen?

As I looked at her, I turned to the hero behind her and asked the same question. Thankfully he caught on and siad nothing happened. Then I asked the kid my age next to Mic and Mic. They both shook their head. Nothing ever happened. 

Eri: ... huh... I thought... 

Me; Hm? What did the little snowflake think? Oh I know! You haven't given the small bunny a name yet, did you?

Just like that I had shifted the childs attention from one thing to another. She seemed more interested in me and the bunny than to think about what she just did. This was way better than having her start regretting and then also making herself worry and giving herself a hard time.

Eri: No.

Me: Hmm.. but that's soo sad. It needs a name just like you and me.

Eri: Then what is it's name?

Me: I don't know... it didn't wanted to tell me its name. Maybe it will tell you its name.

Alright, this kid was small but not soo small that I could fool her. Still something told me that she needed this kind of treatment right now and I didn't care what others say. She has been through a lot and I could see that by her eyes. I used to have the same kind of hollow eyes back when I started to get zapped a lot. I was a sick child as well thanks to my quirk backfiring on me because of the quirk cancelation devil thingy I was wearing.

Eri: It can't speak.

Now was the time that she was smiling at me an ridiculing me for stating something this obvious. Yes! I got her right where I wanted to her to be. She was not only stable now but she felt joy and the glitter in her eyes were now back there.

Me: No? Aww man and here I thought it just hated me. Are you sure?

Eri: Yes.

Me; Really?

Eri: Yes.

Me: Then what is it's name?

Eri: I don't know.

Me: Well me neither... hmmm what a problem we have there now.... AH I know. Why not give it one or it would be super sad for sure.

Eri: A name?

Me: Yup. 

Eri: Hmmm....

Me: Hmmmm.....

While I was playing with the child to get her back on track, I could see the heroes and that other kid in the room looking at me a bit flabbergasting but also bamboozled too. What just happened was the big question written all over their faces. Well I just knew how she was feeling with her quirk, the insecurity and the pain plus she was definitely scared of strangers. The moment I showed her I was not a stranger and didn't had bad intention was the moment she could be herself.

Eri: Bunery.

Me: Bunery?

Eri: Yes. 

Me: *le gasp* Ohhh wow... what a pretty name. I am sure the bunny likes it as well... oh look it is nodding.

She was holding the bunny really tightly and I just decided to make it nod a bit with my own hand while still smiling and assessing the situation. She seemed more than pleased.

Eri: But you are doing that?

Me: ME?


Me: Do have any evidence on that?


Me: Hmm... are you sure?

Eri: Yes!

Me: Huh... really?

Eri: YES!

Ah look at this kid who was now smiling and laughing while standing right in front of me to tell me I was wrong. This was how she should act and be scared at all. This was how I was sure to make her feel safe and sound besides having my own fun as well... about the pain... I guess I will just have to take some numbing pain meds for it because that pain would for sure stick with me for a while until it subsides. Still no need to actually make anyone worry and so I continued to smile hiding the pain pretty damn well.

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