chapter Ten

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After a long and exhausting day, I finally reach my bed, physically and mentally drained. The thought of killing someone was never in my plans, but the desire to assist Athenix fuels my determination. As I lay there, contemplating my next move, I ponder the best way to disable Henry without raising any suspicions. Ideas swirl in my head as I rub my tired face, searching for a foolproof plan. Feeling restless, I rise from the comfort of my bed and begin pacing around my room. I need more information. Maybe I can use an upcoming event to my advantage.

"Maybe a walk in the garden could ease your mind?" I jumped, forgetting that Abigal is in my room.

I sigh, "Yes, I've felt cooped up in the palace anyway." As she gently turns the doorknob and pushes the door open, I step out into the hallway, with Abigail, close on my heels. The soft click of the door closing echoes through the corridor. I notice the familiar scent of the hallway air, a mixture of floral notes and a hint of fresh paint, as we make our way forward.

As I step into the garden, I am greeted by the sight of several other nobles, each accompanied by their maids, meandering through the vibrant blooms. The sun casts a soft golden glow over the scene, enhancing the beauty of the flowers that line the pathways.

Drawn to the riot of colors and scents, I brush my hand gently over the delicate petals of the flowers as I walk by. The sensation of their soft texture against my fingertips sends a shiver of delight through me, a reminder of the simple pleasures that nature can offer.

I take in the chatter of the nobles and the sound of birds flitting from branch to branch above, creating a peaceful ambiance in the midst of the bustling palace grounds. The air is fragrant with the sweet perfume of the blossoms, casting a spell of tranquility over the gathering.

Lost in the beauty of the moment, I continue to explore the garden, allowing myself to be enveloped in the serenity of this floral oasis amidst the grandeur of the palace.

"Ah, what a beautiful white lily." I turn and come face-to-face with a man I haven't met before. His warm smile instantly put me at ease, although I couldn't shake the feeling that his words were directed specifically at me. Standing there, I couldn't help but notice his tall and commanding presence, coupled with rugged handsomeness that seemed to exude confidence.

The man, dressed in a regal manner, exudes an air of sophistication as he presents himself. His expressive eyes, the color of a stormy sea, hold a certain intensity as they scan my form. He sweeps a hand through his perfectly styled blonde hair, a subtle yet confident gesture. When he speaks, his voice is smooth and cultured, carrying a hint of authority and elegance. "I am Marquess Ezra Monroe, my lady."

I cursty, "Zerro, my lord."

The man's eyes widened with a flash of recognition and admiration as he beheld my presence. "Ah, the woman from underground who saved the children. Who knew the talk of the empire was such a beauty."

I feel a sudden rush of warmth spreading across my cheeks in response to the kind words expressed by him. The unexpected compliment catches me off guard, causing a subtle yet noticeable change in my complexion as my face turns a shade of pink. With a hint of shyness, I humbly acknowledge his words by uttering a gracious "You are too kind."

"I'll be at the celebration ball. I'm curious to know what type of title you'll receive." He licks his lips as his stormy blue eyes dart down to my own lips. "I hope I get the honor to dance with you."

I feel my heart race as he openly shows interest in me. It's hard to distinguish whether this sensation is from flattery or fear.

"Why would you want to dance with me, my lord?" As if calling him, "my lord" could put a wall between us.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 01 ⏰

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