chapter five

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We come to a halt in the heart of the vibrant city, and I can't help but be amazed by the lively atmosphere that surrounds us. Everywhere I look, I see nobles going about their day. With the assistance of the guard, Athenix and Annie gracefully exit the carriage, and I swiftly follow suit. Annie and Danny engage in cheerful conversation, occasionally bursting into laughter. Observing their strong bond, a warm smile spreads across my face.

I feel disappointed whenever I think about my own brother because we used to have such a close relationship. 


"Zee! Come on let's play, I bet I can kick your butt!" My brother laughs in playfull manner.

"But Narci you always cheat." I whine as he pulls me along by my arm.

His vibrant orange eyes gleam with a hint of mischief as he casually sweeps his sleek black hair away from his handsome face.
"It's not my fault you still haven't learned how to control the few powers you have." Admiring my adorable puppy dog eyes, he lets out a defeated sigh. "Fine we can just do hand to hand combat! You need the practice any way, I'll even teach you Some moves Father taught me, just promise you won't tell." My head eagerly nods with excitement.

Athenix and the kids have begun walking while I follow behind, snapping out of the memory of my brother and me.

We pass by multiple shops. I try looking through the windows to see what each shop has.

We have the opportunity to explore various shops as we walk by. I eagerly attempt to get a glimpse of what each shop has to offer through their windows. Athenix leads the way into a dazzling jewelry store, and the children, guard, and I excitedly follow behind her. While Athenix examines the beautiful jewelry on display, I turn my attention towards the kids. I curiously inquire the kids, "What is the Royal Anniversary?"

"It's to celebrate how long our family has been in power," explains Danny with a smile as I nod along.

"So, everyone in the family gets a gift!" Annie enthusiastically continues.

"So what do you think Athenix will get you?" I ask with enthusiasm, although the children shrug, not quite sharing my level of excitement.

Annie scratches her chin and answers, "My father and mother humor her because she is an empress candidate, even though she isn't technically part of the family." Danny then maliciously elbows Annie and gives her a sly, threatening look.

"Be careful she'll hear you." He scolds her, concernedly looking around to make sure Athenix didn't overhear.

Annie simply crosses her arms and shrugs. "She gets us things she uses and claim we share them, but really, she just claims them after a bout a month." She quickly glanced at Athenix, ensuring that she hadn't heard anything.

"That's not very nice," I say as I start to look at the brooches. I could never afford the things here.

They casually state, "It doesn't bother us," speaking in unison.

"So your brother is the Emperor?" Annie playfully twirls a strand of hair, but her gaze shifts towards me as I ask my question.

"My father and mother voluntarily stepped down from their positions a few years ago, while the nobles began exerting pressure on my twin and me to assume the roles of the Emperor or Empress." The words effortlessly leave her mouth as though she were speaking about someone other than herself.

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