chapter Nine

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"My father is on his way. Zerro, you will greet him for me. Take him to the drawing room down the hall. That is where I speak with my guest." Athenix never takes her eyes from the sky as she gives this command.

As I swiftly stand up, my heart racing with anticipation, my body automatically moves into a graceful curtsy. Before I have a chance to say a word, Athenix's voice fills the room with its commanding presence. "His name is Elias Carmine. Make sure you address him as Duke Carmine."

"Yes, my lady."

"Leave your maid here." Her voice carries a warning, evident as she absentmindedly rubs her throat while gazing at the sky.

"Yes, My lady," I turn and nod at Abigail, who gives me a worried look.

Anxiety washes over me as my hands tremble uncontrollably, rubbing together in a desperate attempt to still them. Each step down the corridor feels like a heavy thud from my shaky legs. It's as if all the blood has drained from my body, leaving me light-headed and disconnected. Thoughts race uncontrollably through my mind, like runaway trains veering off the tracks.

Who tried to poison Athenix, and why does she make the same expression as I when mentioning her father?

Rushing towards me, the butler, whom I've come to know as Noah, is adorned with a worried expression that deepens his wrinkles and fills his brown eyes with concern as he stops before me.

"Duke Carmine is here."

"Lead the way." My steady voices betrays my shaking body as I follow Noah.

As I approach the entrance, a tall, lean figure with arms crossed and a finger tapping impatiently on his arm catches my attention. His face is etched with a haunting, murderous look, exuding an aura of intensity and seriousness. I can't help but notice the resemblance between him and Athenix in their looks and cold demeanor, but I have a gut feeling that there is more to this than meets the eye. The tension in the air feels palpable as I try to gauge the situation and decipher the emotions that seem to be simmering just beneath the surface.

I execute a deep curtsy, nearly brushing the floor with my knee. "Your grace, I am Zerro, princess Athenix's lady in waiting, I've come to escort you to the drawing room." Even as my legs start to cramp, I maintain my position without shame, although my pride seems to have abandoned me. If he resembles my father, I will handle him similarly, with my head bowed but unable to resist a smirk. I will soon manipulate you like a puppet.

"You may rise." The pride and arrogance in his voice confirm that I have made the right decision.

This is a man who believes the throne will be in his grasp since his daughter is an Empress candidate. Technically, I can't call her Empress, as that could anger the other nobles since she has not earned that position yet. I shouldn't call her princess yet, but it's not completely stepping over the line; so, I can get away with that much because Athenix is a daughter of the Duke.

I ensure that my poker face is in place before I raise my head and lock eyes with him briefly before averting my gaze. "This way your grace." In a display of propriety and respect, I offer a slight bow as I gracefully step to the side, creating a clear path towards the elegant drawing room. His demeanor exudes an air of aristocracy, evident in the way he holds his head high and maintains a posture so impeccable, with shoulders rolled back and a stiff carriage that speaks volumes about his upbringing and bearing. Walking by me with an aura of dignified aloofness, he never once deigns to cast a glance in my direction, maintaining a sense of distance and formality that characterizes his interaction.

I match his pace making sure not to over take him and lead him to the drawing room. Opening the door for him I see one of Athenix's maids waiting.

As the Duke entered the elegant drawing room, his eyes were drawn to the meticulously arranged table set with fine china and silverware. Before he could even take a seat on the plush velvet armchair, a graceful maid appeared by his side, her white apron pristine against her black dress.

Escape of a Raven -rewritten-Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora