Chapter Three

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I find myself trapped in a cell, consumed by an overwhelming sense of worry. The place is utterly chilling, with its cold, dark, and damp conditions. The sight of blood stains covering the floors only adds to my distress, sending shivers down my spine. As I sit on the bench, facing the solitary cot, I can't help but feel incredibly unsettled in this desolate cell.

"While we obtain the children's accounts of the incident, I ask that you remain here as a safety measure," the man with blonde hair states. "Rest assured, I will promptly return to interrogate you." Concerns fill me as I realize that a stranger, whom I have never encountered before, is locking the cell. His brown eyes are concealed by a noticeable scar, his hair is closely cropped, and his presence does nothing to alleviate my unease about this dreadful place.

I could just teleport out and run away, but I can't bring myself to do that. I don't want to live my life as a fugitive here. I genuinely wish for this place to be different, a place where I can make a real home.

So, for now, I'll reluctantly sit here and comply.


"I go by the name Trevor, and I hold the position of Beta," the blonde declares as he walks back in and nods his head at me. He confidently pulls up a chair and positions himself in front of the cell, facing me.

"I am Zerro, a raven." I say politley

He studies me for a moment before running a hand through his hair. The events that have happened seem to weigh heavily on his face, and it's concerning to see. He closes his eyes, taking a deep breath as if trying to calm himself, but I can't shake off the feeling that he sees me as an enemy, which is quite distressing.

"Where were the children kept." The tired eyes looking at me through the cold, steel bars do not match his strong voice.

"A warehouse, I don't know this land. I could show you, though." I anxiously fiddle with my hands, desperately hoping that my nerves aren't mistaken for guilt.

"I would like you to provide me with a detailed account of the events that transpired from the very start." He breathes out, observing my movements with his eyes.

"I witnessed men forcefully dragging Will, anxiously tracking their every move to a warehouse. I sneaked in right after them, only to come face-to-face with the sight of other children." I anxiously fidget in my seat, fully aware that my honest account might not be enough to persuade this skeptical man.

"I then teleported out of the cell to grab the key -"

"I'm curious, so you mean to say that you had the ability to teleport all along? If that's the case, I wonder why you didn't use it to escape before now," Trevor inquires, his brows furrowing with confusion.

"I wanted to show I meant no harm, that I could be trusted." I mutter, tightly hugging myself in a feeble attempt to shield my body from the relentless chill that mercilessly infiltrates the confines of this dank cell.

He remains silent for a moment, with his unwavering gaze fixed on me, causing concern to bubble within me. As a regular bird shifter, I would have instinctively recoiled from the overwhelming force emanating from him.

Of course, I was only an abandoned princess back home, so being a royal means absolutely nothing here.

"After I got the kids out, I brought them to the spot where I saw Will getting grabbed. While we were on our way, we came across more guys trying to grab them, so I took care of them." Trevor's eyes widened as I told him this, and I tried not to look away. "Finally, we arrived at the place where Will got taken. The kids knew where to go from there. I stuck with them to make sure they got home."

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