chapter seven

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"Zerro, you danced with the Emperor!" Abigail approaches me with visible excitement, gently bumping into me as she expresses her enthusiasm.

"Yes, it seems I did," I find myself clutching my head, overtaken by an unsettling surge of dizziness. A wave of realization washes over me. The gravity of the situation hits me - I can't help but feel anxiety coursing through me as I try to comprehend the thoughtlessness of the reckless words I have just spoken to someone who holds the ability to effortlessly bring my life to an end.

"I've only ever seen him dance with Athenix, and even that is a rare sight." My head snaps to her at her words.


"Forget my lady. I'm going to have to start calling you your highness." She playfully giggles while teasing, going as far as to imitate a half curtsy, leaving me visibly alarmed.

"Don't jest like that, who knows what will happen if someone hears you."

"We are just maids, no one pays attention to us anyway." Behind her playful demeanor, I can't help but detect a lingering sense of seriousness in her voice.

I can't stop thinking about my dance with the king, and it's making me extremely anxious. The ballroom has become way too crowded for me to handle. "Abigail are you ready to go to the festival."

She suddenly turns serious. "I'm sorry Zerro did it bother you that much?" Her eyes show her worry.

"It was just odd." I find myself growing increasingly worried as my eyes land on the throne. The sight of those mischievous green eyes and that playful smirk sends a chilling sensation down my spine. Hastily, I quickly avert my gaze, desperate to get rid of the unease that has engulfed me. "It's crowded in here." I breathlessly say and Abigail simply nods.

"Then let's go, we haven't missed the fireworks yet." Abigail's determined efforts to brighten up this situation evoke a deep sense of gratitude within me, filling my heart with warmth and causing a smile to spread across my face. With unwavering determination, we swiftly make our exit from the ballroom.

"We should probably change first, this dress won't do well with the type of dancing in the streets." The excitement sparkles in Abigail's eyes as we enthusiastically make our way to her room, which bears a resemblance to mine but has a cozy and well-loved atmosphere.

She assists me in getting out of my dress, and in return, I promptly help her as well. Afterward, I quickly put on a lovely white chemise, a charming dark brown petticoat, and a stunning deep red bodice.

"Let's hurry, I don't have long before mother expects me home."

With those words, we eagerly make our way to the festival ahead.


The street music exudes an overwhelming liveliness, surpassing even that of the palace. Instead of hushed whispers, the air is brimming with jubilant laughter and amiable conversation. The beats of the music inspire delighted applause as people enthusiastically move to the fast-paced rhythm, gracefully transitioning from one partner to another with liveliness.

We proceed to a food vendor and purchase a delicious snack to enjoy. "It's so much to easier to eat now that I'm out of that dress." Abigal sighs as she pats her belly.

"Easier to breath too." This causes her to giggle.

We look at the other vendors selling homemade jewelry. "Look at those." Abigal excitedly points to the beautiful braided bracelets adorned with charming small charms. Happily, she decides to purchase not just one, but two of them. As a delightful surprise, she hands me a gorgeous light blue one that perfectly complements her mesmerizing eyes. She joyfully puts on the vibrant red bracelet herself, radiating positivity and style. "Now we have friendship bracelets."

Escape of a Raven -rewritten-Where stories live. Discover now