chapter two

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The tunnel seems to stretch on forever, but suddenly, it fills with a dazzling light, revealing the end ahead.

I emerge with a sudden rush and find myself in a wonderfully strange place. Taking in my surroundings while suspended in mid-air, I gracefully descend and transform, still wearing my torn black dress. Though worn and torn, I notice the dress still holds an elegant allure with its central slit, revealing a glimpse of both legs.

Looking down at my bare feet, I wiggle my toes in the soft, lush greenness that is surely grass. I am surrounded by majestic brown roots adorned with vibrant green foliage, witnessing their growth right from the earth. As I lift my gaze upwards, fluffy white clouds and a radiant yellow sun greet me against the backdrop of a beautiful blue sky. The sun's brilliance is almost blinding, filling the entire space with its luminosity. I take a deep breath, savoring the delightful scent of the area.

Bursting with childlike joy, I can't help but giggle as I twirl in circles before gracefully laying on the ground, extending my arms outward. An incredibly warm sensation kisses my face, and a smile naturally spreads across my lips.

Amidst this idyllic moment, however, a desperate cry for assistance shatters the tranquility.

Curiously, I let out a sigh and furrow my brows, expressing my discontent with the disturbance of my peaceful interlude. It seems that there is a kid's voice coming from close by. Intrigued, I transform into my raven form and swiftly fly towards the sound. Perching on a branch, I observe a little boy who appears to be around eight years old. He has brown shaggy hair, hazel eyes, and is dressed in a white cotton shirt and brown cotton pants. His terrified expression is evident as tears stain his cheeks. A group of five men have a tight grip on him, emanating an unpleasant smell. The boy attempts to resist, pounding his fists on the back of one of the men, but they only laugh at his futile efforts. Suddenly, they speed off, and without hesitation, I quickly follow suit, maintaining pace with them. After a few minutes, we arrive at an old abandoned warehouse, which is quite cliche considering the circumstances.

Opening a door connected to the warehouse, they enter, and I cautiously fly in behind them. As they navigate through hallways and descend a flight of stairs, we eventually reach what appears to be a dungeon. Callously, they toss the boy into a cell where five other kids are already confined. "There," one of the men says. "Now, tomorrow the castle will become aware of another missing child, and by tomorrow night, you all shall meet your demise. This will surely make a statement to the king."

It seems that there are also repulsive men in this place. As the group of children gathers together, six in total now, a sense of worry fills the air. The oldest girl, around nine years old, poses a question to the new arrival inquisitively, her actions marked by her twisting a strand of long black hair and her keen observation with her striking jade green eyes. Disturbed by the situation, she asks the boy, "Whose child are you?" with a clear aura of concern.

In a timid tone, he hesitantly responds, "I am the son of the second head guards. My name is William, but you can call me Will," he adds apprehensively, seeking some form of acceptance and assurance from the girl, who simply nods in response.

"I'm Clairsen, the daughter of the third head guard," she says nervously, introducing herself.

Another girl slowly rises from the floor and says in a soft voice, "I'm Marcra, the Beta's daughter," her smile carrying a hint of sadness. Her short, cocoa brown hair frames her face, and she wears a lime green dress that drapes over her figure.

A young boy with jet black hair confidently stands up straight and declares, "I'm Skylar, the head warrior's son."

"Come on, Skylar, don't act like we don't know who you are," says another kid with dark blonde hair that stops at his eyebrows. He wears a scowl on his face, but his blue eyes still have a spark to them.

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