5, whats its like to date him {A.G-D.H}

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Dylan hoffman

-lots of kisses, on lips nose head and all :)

-cuddles, lots and he def likes to come up from behind and hug your waist.

-protective and jealous, wrap his arm around you all the time and just picks you up if you're talking to other boys.

-clingy, love to play with your hair and picks you up all the time.

-jokes, loves to mess with you by picking you up and throwing you on your bed hit you with pillows. Messes up your hair for fun.

-likes to snuggle with you.

-and ofcourse piggy bank rides!

Andy Goldfarb

-kisses, ALL. The. Time.

-hugs, a lot.

-very protective and easily yealous.

-holds your waist all the time, when your walking even just sitting in class.

-matching outfits for Bat/Bar mitvas ;).

{A.G & D.H}
-loves you very muchh.


A/N: I thought I just had to do thisss

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