2, dinner with parents {D.H}

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"Hey dyll." I said to my boyfriend as I walked in his room where he was laying on his bed scrolling trough his phone.

"Hey cutie." I heard him say as I layed next to him. "So are you nervous for tonight?" He asked me and I looked confused up at him.

"Wait for what?" I said in a seriously nervous tone, did I forget anything?! Are we gonne marry?! No?! Wait- what-

"The dinner with our parents tonight." He said as he smiled at me and snuggled his head against mine.

"Oopsie, I totally forgot that." I chuckled as I thought how I could forget such a thing.

"Well..Im pretty nervous." Dylan said to me.

"Yeah me too... but don't worry my parents are quite nice." I said as I laid my head on his shoulder watching some videos with him on his phone.

"Hope so." He said while he smiled at me and pecked my lips. When realization hit me.. he hoped so he didn't think- wha-

"You don't think there nice?!" I said.

"No I- I didn't say that!"

The time was there, what I'm talking about is, dinner time. Yay! That was sarcastically..I don't know how it's gonna go.

Dinner time...

'Dramatical drums'

As we sat there we awkwardly began eating when Dylan grabbed my hand under the table, I smiled at him. We saw our parents talking to eachother and that went very well untill... my dad had to obviously embarrass me.

"It was very funny when Y/n was younger she always used to play with sand at school but she always ate it or put it in her shirt, so they never let her play with sand again." Omg dad. Seriously.

Dylan smiled at me and I saw him laugh so I quietly hit his arm. He looked at me with a smirk. But everyone seemed to enjoy my funny past of my young self except..me ofcourse.

After dinner my parents went home and I could stay with my Dyll. Late at night we both lay in bed watching movies on his laptop.

"I think the dinner went pretty well, you're parents are very nice." Dylan said next to me while he put his arm on my waist and pulled me closer to him.

"Yeah, it went fine. You're parents are nice to but I already met them before." I said as we continued watching the movie.

"And what your dad said with you and that sand was so funny." He said.

"If you ever, and I mean ever talk about that again, I will ask you're mom about something humiliating you did." I say as I point my finger at him.

"Yes ma'am." He said as I saw him smile widely.

"Although, sand..." he started.

"I'm gonne call you're mom! -" as I tried to get up to go ask his mom he kissed me immediately pretty passionate, just to shut me up! Oh my! that boy!

Although I still want hear his funny story's from when he was little. He's going to pay for that-

Another request from : th1ara_vtr
Thank you!!

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