A Distant Memory

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Heya, I'm back! For now...I'm on school break. (Forgive me for choosing to update on the last 3 days of my break-) What am I doin with my life.

I wanted to do chapters about Ame's childhood a bit (because he's adorable) also, I want an excuse to write this. Anyhoo, let's get starteddd

[Nobody's POV]

 It was snowing. That means school was canceled. America was sleeping peacefully in his bed, he was shivering a bit, not realizing it was snowing. His siblings on the other didn't really mind the cold.

 America's parents wanted their kids to share a room together until they get older. Of course, it's not easy sharing a room with three siblings. The room is always messy, your stuff is always missing, and it's almost impossible to sleep when two of your siblings were practically 12 month old babies who keep you up at night.

 America was only 3 years old, yet he was extremely intelligent for his age. He was an early bloomer ever since he was born. His older brother, Canada, is around 4 years old. He was starting preschool, but doesn't really want to since he's not used to being around other kids other than his siblings. He also had a problem with speaking English because he mostly used French, his mom wanted him to be able to speak french AND English which led him to have a hard time choosing which to use. (He mostly mixes both) Since his little brother was such a high achiever, he's also starting preschool. 

 Their parents think it would be great if Canada had someone to go with. Although they believe that America's personality is a bit complicated they weren't too worried about it.

 Canada woke up to the smell of breakfast, he never misses a breakfast if it meant his mom was cooking something. He got up and made his bed, he was a bit sleepy but continued to make his bed so he could go down stairs for breakfast. He was careful not to make a sound so his siblings wouldn't wake up. America on the other hand, woke up like he heard a bomb. Which startled his poor siblings, Canada was taken by surprised and the twins woke up startled.


"Ah!" Canada jumped back a bit, he couldn't say that he wasn't used to it, but he couldn't say he was used to it either. His brother likes to scream all the time, he just never gets used to the suddenness of his little brother's screaming that's all.

"qu'est-ce qui ne va pas, (What's wrong) Ame?" 

"It's cold." America said, cuddling his pillow and warming himself up with his blanket.

Canada was used to this. The complaints his brother would make when the weather is cold. Even if it were freezing outside, Canada didn't mind the cold, in fact, he enjoys cold weather.

"Oh...well, I guess I could find your jacket for you."

"What's going on?!"

Canada turned around, startled. This was the SECOND time he was jump scared. 

His mom, France, came running into the room. She was already dressed, but she had her apron on. A man came running behind her. It was his dad, Britain. He was also dressed, but he didn't have an apron on though.

"I'm cold." America answered.

His parents didn't looked surprised. His dad sighed and went over to their closet and searched for America's jacket. France on the other hand went over to America's side and gave him a big hug, "You know...It's snowing outside. You know what that means?"

"That I'm gonna be cold for the rest of the day?"

"Well, no, but yes. I meant-"

"I'll get fwostbite?"

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