Big brother (UK family)

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[Canada's POV]

I woke up to the sound of my alarm clock ringing. I grumbled as I tried to get out of bed. I'm having an exam today, so yeah. I studied pretty hard last night. I walked over to the door, then suddenly it creaked open.

"Ame, is that you?" I opened the door. "You better not be trying to sneak into my room with whipped cream again- oh." It was Australia  and New Zealand. 

I rubbed my eyes as I yawned. "Do you guys need something?"

"Mom and dad said they had to go to an important meeting," Aussie said, handing me a small piece of paper. "Dad says that you're in charge of stuff," Zealand added. I ran my hand through my hair, I took the piece of paper from Aussie and looked at it. It was a note from mom.

'Hi, sweetie.

Your dad and I have an urgent meeting with our boss, so that means you are in charge of your siblings until we get back. Make sure Ame stays out of trouble, will you? The pancake batter is in the fridge.

Love, mom.

P.S good luck on your exam :D'

I looked at Aussie and Zealand who were still in their pajamas. "Are you guys hungry?" Their eyes lit up. "Are you making pancakes?" Zealand asked. 

I looked at them thrilled. "Of course! But first, I need you guys to get ready for school." They nodded and sprinted across the hall. I looked at them amused. 

I turned around and headed to my closet. I looked around in there and finally found a black t-shirt and a green hoodie. It's perfect! Well, I know it's not the best, but really don't have a lot of things to wear. Plus, my brother America keeps saying I need better clothes.

I put on the t-shirt and the hoodie. Then I got ready for school. After I finished packing everything and stuff. I raced down stairs, so I could start making breakfast. I found the pancake batter and started making the pancakes. As I was making them, I realized something. America won't eat my pancakes. 

I sighed as I got out the waffle maker from the cabinet. Then I got to work. I finished the pancakes and waffles before they came down, so that meant that I had time to slice some fruits for them. Blue berries and strawberries should do it. 

People who met me would say I'm a perfectionist when it comes to food. And if I gotta be honest, I would've agreed to that idea too. The truth is, I like to make my food look good. Of course, the taste matters too, but if the food didn't look good, then would people even touch it?

As I was taking the plates out, someone came into the kitchen. It was Aussie and Zealand, they were all dressed up with their backpacks in their hands. They were clearly still checking if they had everything for school. I invited them to come and sit.

"Wow, these look great!" Aussie said. I nodded as I got out the maple syrup and chocolate sauce. Zealand took out the utensils. Aussie went to the cabinet and took out the whipped cream. Honestly, I can't say I'm surprised.

As I turned around, I saw Zealand dropping the utensils. Then suddenly, someone quickly caught it. It was America. "Look who decided to join us for breakfast." I announced as I helped Zealand with his backpack. "Hehe, I couldn't find my assignment, so.." America replied with a smirk on his face.

No one said being the oldest is easy, especially when you have to take care of your siblings when your parents are away. And if you're in my family, you would know that the hardest sibling to take care of is America, even though he is the middle child. There are many reasons why he's hard to deal with, but one of them is because he is stubborn and reckless. Somehow, he is a genius and an idiot at the same time.

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