Of parties and partings

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"I can't believe it! I am so happy for you my Rain!" Yihwa hugged Rain, as all the others nodded. "Seriously though Rain, I can't imagine. You have brought glory to the school, and to us. We are going to bask in that!!" Por giggled. "Yeah! Full advantage time!" Nut also laughed. They were all at the coffee shop near the Uni, wanting a break from the tedium of work. They were finally done with their projects, and only the final touches were left to do. That's when Rain had told them about what had happened. The scholarship was a big deal, and his friends were thrilled. Soon their order was called out and Sig and Sky went to collect it. They set the trays down and everyone reached for their drinks. Suddenly Yihwa screamed, alarming her friends, and alerting the attention of everyone in the café. Yihwa turned around and bowed sorry to everyone, as did the others.

"What the hell Yihwa?" Nut hissed. Yihwa did not answer, instead snatching Rain's left hand and looking at it, and then glaring at him. Everyone crowded around, except for Sky, who sat back lazily with an all knowing smile. "What is this Rain?" Nut asked, shocked. Suddenly all their phones pinged at the same time. Sig was the first to open his. He gasped. Everyone quickly opened their phones. It was a notification from P'Phayu's Instagram. It was a simple picture, of two hands, each with a ring and the caption that said "HE SAID YESSSS!! My world is full now!" with lots of heart eye emojis. All of them stared at Rain. "Ohmygod ohmygod ohmygod!! Sig chanted. "And you didn't lead with this news because?" Por asked, bopping Rain on the head. "Ow!! C'mon guys! Not that I didn't want to. But P'Phayu said that he wanted to tell everyone!!" Rain said, giggling.

"Jeez! We are so happy, that we will forgive you this time, okay?" Yihwa said, bopping his head too. "But we still want a party," Sig said. "Of course. No doubt about it. We will do it after the presentation," Rain said. "And when do you go to Singapore? What about your internship?" Nut asked. "Presentations on Thursday. I will leave on Sunday. Orientation starts from Monday," Rain said. "So party on Friday. But I don't get how soon you have to leave," Por said. "I know. It's unfortunate, but no choice," Rain said, his face a bit sad at the thought of leaving his friends behind.


"Guys, I will go and meet Ajarn Wang and come," Rain said as soon as he entered the faculty block. Juniors waiied to them as they walked past, and they waiied back. Most of the girls, and many of the guys giggled at the good-looking seniors they had. The others nodded. "Let's meet in the design room then," Sig said. Rain nodded and left. "P'Rain? P'Rain kha?" someone called out. Rain turned around. It was a slim, pretty girl, probably a 1st year, looking at him. "Khap? Can I help you Nong?" he asked politely. "P'Rain kha, actually, I just wanted to tell you that I really like you. It's your last year here, and I wanted to tell you before you graduated. Will you be my boyfriend?" she asked, holding a rose for him. Rain looked around. He could see other students, and his group of friends were there as well, probably because they had heard the commotion. Some were taking a video, probably the girl's friends. Rain smiled. "Sorry Nong," he said, lifting up his left hand, showing it to her, and then towards the video taking girl. "I am taken, and have been since the past 5 years, and I happen to love my partner very, very much," he said, loudly enough for everyone to hear.

"Dayum! That must hurt," Yihwa said, as she slung her hand around Por's waist, as the girl looked terribly downcast. Yihwa walked upto her. "Nong, P'Rain is not lying. And well, there is his partner, so you know why he will not change his mind," she said, grinning and gesturing with her head. Everyone turned around to look as Phayu entered with Pai. The younger girl was staring at Rain. His smile lit up his face with a thousand suns. When he had smiled at her, it had not reached his eyes, it was just one of those polite ones. And now, she realised he could never be hers. So she turned to look at the person who was Rain's partner. When she saw Phayu, her jaw dropped in shock. If Rain had been beautiful and drop dead gorgeous, then this man was even more so. He was handsome, and the aura that he sent off, raised goosebumps.

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