Of distances and differences

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Phayu and Pai could feel the difference immediately. Ever since they had confessed, and the two boys had told them that they would think about it, Rain and Sky had distanced themselves from them. Even knowing something like this was likely to happen, even expecting it, Phayu and Pai had not realised how much of a blow to the gut it would be to see the growing coldness emanating from Rain and Sky. It was not like a big difference, they were seemingly polite in public as they had been before, waiing to them as they waiied to the other seniors or nodding and noting down anything they had to say. But it was the little things that had vanished. Sky no more bought snacks made by Rain to the Council meeting. Rain would already be there when they came out of meetings, and the two of them would leave at once.

Even during football practices, Rain would always come in early and be on the field when Phayu arrived and leave immediately after practice, or he would come with his teammates, ensuring he was never alone, indicating clearly he had no wish to talk to Phayu or Pai alone. The older boys were devastated, missing the younger ones desperately and feeling terrible that they had somehow brought it upon themselves by confessing to them. And this slight distancing had been felt by other Council members as well as the football team. "Sky has become so much quieter and more serious than he already was, isn't it?" Aya and Marine had stated that on multiple occasions. Even P'Wai had noticed that Rain was not his usual exuberant self, and only spoke when spoken to, contributed nothing to the meetings.

The inter-collegiate fest had come to an end couple of days ago. Sky had won the freshmen debate with his team, Rain the music contest, and the football team had also emerged victorious. Many other competitions as well had been won by their Uni, and they had lifted the Champions Trophy like exactly that, the Champions that they were. It had been a proud moment for the Uni, and to celebrate this unprecedented victory, Friday had been declared a day off, which meant that it was 3 days of holidays. Phayu and Pai had hoped to meet Rain and Sky once before that, but Rain had vanished once again after football practice. But this time they were determined.

"Have you seen Rain? or Sky?" Phayu asked Ple, Som's sister, who was in the same faculty as them. "Yes Phi, they just left," she said. "Left? Meaning?" Pai asked. "I am not sure Phi. You can ask their group. They are there," Ple said, pointing at a group of 4, 3 guys and 1 girl. They were talking animatedly and laughing. Phayu and Pai approached them. "Swasdi Nong," Phayu said. All four of them immediately turned around and waiied. "You all know where Sky and Rain went?" Pai asked. "Kha Phi, we know," the girl said, smiling blithely. "And where is that?" Phayu asked, gritting his teeth. "They went to their home Phi," a boy said. "So early? As far as I know, Rain usually has one more class after football practice," Pai asked. "Yes Phi, we do, but since the college gave us off tomorrow, and because the victory was partly because of Rain and Sky, Ajarn gave them special permission to leave early," another boy spoke up.

"Actually Phi, they left early because they have to go immediately to the airport. They just went to collect their luggage," the girl said, her smile was now a smirk, as if she knew exactly why they were asking, annoying both Phayu and Pai. "Airport? They are going somewhere?" Phayu asked. "Yes Phi, to meet their grandparents," one of the boys said. "Why are you looking for them Phi? If it's something urgent, you can let me know. I don't mind letting Rain know," Ple said, her tone changing when she talked about Rain. She had probably walked upto them when they were talking about Rain and Sky to their group. The only girl in Rain's group turned her face sideways and rolled her eyes, and definitively mouthed 'blah, blah, blah' to the other three, who were trying to control their laughter.

Phayu would have found it funny if he had not been so fucking annoyed with this Ple character. He frowned at her, but before he could say anything, Pai said, "It's okay Nong, we will talk to them directly." He then pulled Phayu away, knowing his brother was pissed, and not wanting him to spew in front of Som's sister. They stood near the parking lot and watched Ple trying to unsuccessfully talk to Rain and Sky's group. She left soon after, and they watched the other girl toss her hair in anger. One of the boys put his arm around her, and pulled her nose, and they all protectively crowded around her, as they started walking.

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