Of passion and plans

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"Dao, have you seen Rain?" Phayu asked, as soon as he came down the stairs. Both he and Pai had stayed back the night before. After seeing their son's condition, and knowing what he felt about Rain, Pete and Porche had told both the boys to stay in the house itself, and not drive back. Both of them were relieved, because they did not want to leave Rain and Sky alone. For both of them, the younger boys had literally become the reason for their existence, and especially Phayu, couldn't seem to want Rain out of arm's reach. He was mortally afraid he was going to hover, and he could feel it itching in his bones, the need to bubble wrap and hide Rain somewhere no one in the world could touch him.

"I am not sure Hia, but I think Emma would know. She is usually the first down every day," Dao said. Phayu nodded and strode towards the kitchen. "Emma?" he called out, poking his head in. "Khun Phayu? What is the matter?" Emma said, coming out of the pantry. "Did you see Rain please?" Phayu asked. "Yes Khun. He is in the gardens, near the gazebo. He said you might ask for him, so he told me and went," the maid replied cheerfully. Phayu felt grateful that Rain knew him so well, and also a little guilty for being this over-protective. He hoped Rain would understand where he was coming from but he also knew that Rain had been alone for a long time, and may not appreciate Phayu's clinginess. But that was for later. First, he had to find Rain.

'What was he upto that early in the morning? That too in the garden?' Phayu wondered, and then came to a complete standstill as he watched the divine sight in front of him. He gulped hard. Rain was wearing a pair of trackpants. And that's all he was wearing. Even that was precariously perched on the curve of his hips. Phayu could see his abs tapering into his vee, as the younger boy moved lithely through the mists. Each movement was lethal, honed to a degree of precision, that Phayu had never seen. He was mesmerised. Who was this boy? He had seen so many sides of Rain now, sweet, brash, naughty, loving, caring, but this? This was something so new, so unexpected, that Phayu was left agape.

Although Phayu made no noise, standing so quietly behind him, Rain had known the moment he had walked upto him. The scent of his lover was imprinted in him, and it had twined around him as soon as Phayu had reached the periphery. There was a reason he had decided to do this, a specific reason why he had made it a point to let Emma know where he was going. He understood Phayu's need to protect him, and he was grateful, but he also wanted to let Phayu know that he was not helpless, not powerless anymore. He knew that Phayu was not convinced with his plan, but he wanted to make sure that he would at least give him a chance to explain.

If they had continued discussing the night before, Phayu and he would have surely fought, so, he had pretended to concede, knowing that he could and would do anything in his power to keep Sky safe. And he refused to burden the Theerpanayakul family anymore. They had been a surprisingly giving and loving force behind them, and their angst on behalf of Sky and him had been a soothing balm they didn't know they had needed. Sky and he had never felt the love of family, so he was greatly indebted to this family for theirs. But he didn't want to ever take that love for granted. So that's why he was here, wanting to let Phayu know that he was much stronger than anyone gave him credit for.

Rain shifted in his last position and turned around, looking directly at Phayu. Phayu moved forward, as did Rain, almost as if in a dream. They met halfway, bodies and lips meeting in silent agreement. Their mouths and tongues fused together, as Phayu moved his hands up and down Rain's bare back, and Rain slipped his hands under Phayu's t-shirt. They got in as close as they could, just not able to get enough of each other. They were both panting heavily by the time they broke apart. Rain looked at Phayu and licked his lips. "Don't do that Rain!" Phayu groaned. Rain moved his face closer. "Do what Phi?" he asked, his voice dripping with seduction, licking his lips again. "Rain!" Rain leaned forward, licking the mole on Phayu's upper lip. "You are so sexy Phi," he purred, as he lightly bit Phayu's upper lip.

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