Of dinner and despair

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"Do you want to complete the ordeal today? Or do you want to despair over it all through Sunday?" Rain asked, as he watched Sky eat his favourite caramel custard cupcake. "Oh today! Best! Then tomorrow we can do our thing. Plus we need to buy groceries for the week. We can do all that tomorrow, free if we finish step one today," Sky said, looking up, his nose covered with frosting, eliciting a bark of laughter from Rain. "Dude! When will you start eating cupcakes like Anne Hathaway?" he asked. "Cupcakes cannot and should not be eaten delicately my friend!" Sky intoned, sounding like a monk. "Saaaaadhu!" Rain laughed again. They both lived for these moments, a shared pain, a shared past and a shared camaraderie that no one could take away from them. It was something that kept them sane and safe in their own spaces. "I will make the call. Enjoy your cupcake Khun Nu jaaaa," Rain laughed again as he picked up his phone to call Uncle Jom. Sky simply nodded.

"Swasdi Khap Uncle Jom, how are you?" Rain asked. "Swasdi khap khun Rain khap. I am good. You?" he replied. "Sabaidee khap. Uncle Jom, are our fathers available tonight for coffee or dinner?" Rain asked. "Let me check with Khun Tharn or Khun Leo khap," Uncle Jom said, leaving the phone on hold. After several minutes of painstaking music, at which Rain rolled his eyes, Uncle Jom came back. "Khap khun Rain, you and khun Sky are to come for coffee at 4.30 today evening. Please do not be late, as you well know," he said. "Khap Uncle Jom, thank you. We will be on time," Rain said. He turned and looked at Sky, who was the one rolling his eyes now, and shaking his head. He knew what Sky was thinking. It was like taking an appointment from the fucking King or something!

At exactly 4.30, Rain and Sky rang the doorbell at the estate. They waiied to the maid who opened the door. Uncle Jom stood right behind her, and gestured to them to come in. "They are waiting in the salon. Coffee has been served," Uncle Jom said. "Khopuna Khap Uncle Jom," they said and moved the salon. They greeted their fathers, and waited for permission to be seated. "Have a seat," Tharn said. "What are the updates from the past one week?" Leo asked. "Let them have something first Leo," Fiat said. "Please serve yourself boys, and you can update us once you are done," Type said, looking at Fiat. "Khopuna khap khun Pa Type, khun Pa Fiat," they both said. The two of them quietly had their coffee and some cake.

"If you are done, kindly let us know how it is going?" Tharn asked. "Sky has been chosen as a representative for the University Council. And he has also been selected for the 1st Inter Collegiate debate for this semester," Rain said, pride for his best friend clearly shining through. "Rain has been selected into the faculty's football team. He will be going for the try-outs for the University team on Monday afternoon. As for the music club, he is in the running for being the lead guitarist in the Freshmen band," Sky's happiness was also palpable. "And we both got A+ on the first report of the semester," Rain added. "As expected," Leo said, and Tharn nodded.

The boys were dismayed at the responses of their dads, but nothing showed on their face. Years of schooling themselves and their expressions and feelings left no room for any emotion to be let through. They sat for a while, just so that it may not seem like they wanted to escape, which is exactly what they wanted to do. After a fair amount of time, they took their leave. "We shall see you next week for further news," Tharn said. "Khap Dad," Rain said, and Sky nodded. They went towards the door when they heard someone call their names. They turned around, thinking it was Uncle Jom, but it was Pa Type and Pa Fiat. "Khap Pa?" Sky asked. "We just want to tell you that you have already done your best, and fulfilled all the necessary requirements that you had made a deal for. And we will talk to your Dads. There is no need for you to come home every week. Your workload will only get harder, so it's better you concentrate on your studies, and not waste any time rushing here back and forth," Type said. "Also, we have informed Jom. Once a week, a maid will come to your house for cleaning and stocking your fridge, so that you need not do anything," Fiat said. "No Pa. It's a small apartment. Rain and I can manage on our own," Sky said. "As for the other thing, Khopuna Pa," Rain added. Saying that, they left.

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