Of jealousy and jeopardy

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The sundeck in their room overlooked the Keppel Harbour. Just crossing that would get them to Sentosa, which was where the whole family had decided to go on Saturday morning. Phayu looked out, his gaze unfocused, his mood gone. It had been such a long time since the entire family had gotten together, and planned a trip, and here he was, down in the dumps because of what had happened last night. And from the sighs that came from the chair behind him, he knew he was not alone in these feelings.


After Rain and Sky left abruptly, Phayu and Pai sat stunned for a minute, before rushing after them. But they were already standing with their grandparents, and bowing as if they were ready to leave. They gave one last look towards Phayu and Pai, and walked out. But that last look broke Phayu and Pai's heart. It was filled with pain, hurt and heartbreak, and the older boys could not prevent their heart from clenching. That one look had spoken volumes about what they had hidden deeply in their heart.


"I am not in a mood to go Phayu," Pai said, his voice clearly betraying his angst. "I know what you mean, and I feel you! But they are our family. We haven't really gotten a chance to be all together like this in a while Pai," Phayu said, looking at his brother. "And plus, we need to get Dao's mind of things too, remember?" he added. Pai sighed and nodded. "Let's go then, family first, right?" he said. They both quickly got dressed and stepped out. "Breakfast first?" Phayu asked. "Yeah, I am sure we will find everyone there. And plus I am hungry. Can't love on a hungry stomach, right?" Pai said.

Almost everyone was at the breakfast buffet. A lot and laughter was going around. Phayu and Pai stood at the entrance of the restaurant of the resort and watched their family. They had missed this. This free look on the faces of everyone. They were usually so busy that it was tough to just enjoy moments at home. But here, they could just chill. "Good morning everyone!" Phayu and Pai called out as they walked into the room. "Morning boys! Quickly get done with your breakfast. Let's leave soon," Pete said. "Where are Uncle Khun and Uncle Kit?" Pai asked. "They just got done and left. They will get dressed and meet us in the lobby," Porche said, sipping his coffee.

Both the boys nodded and soon they were all waiting in the lobby discussing the programme. "Swasdi khap Khun Kinn!" someone called out, and they all turned around. "Khun Ananda? Swasdi kha!" All of them waiied to the elder. "How are you here this early Khun Ananda?" Chay asked politely. "I heard from Khun Chen that this is your 1st visit to Singapore? Is that right?" Khun Ananda asked. "Khap Khun," Vegas replied politely. "Then we must not let our wonderful guests roam around unnecessarily," he said smiling. "That's why we have given you two guides, who will be at your service, until you are done with the visit to Sentosa."

"Khun Ananda, please, there is no need," Kim began, but Rain's grandfather stopped him. "Please, allow us to do this for you," he said, with a sweet smile. "Come," he ordered, to someone behind him. To Phayu and Pai's utter amazement and delight, it was Rain and Sky, who looked altogether too reluctant to be there. They waiied politely nonetheless, with small smiles on their face. "It's wonderful to meet you again Rain and Sky," Porche said with a smile. "Indeed, we are glad to see you both," Vegas said, slyly looking at Phayu and Pai.

Phayu and Pai were staring open-mouthed at the two boys who had literally walked out between a conversation just yesterday. There was so much they wanted to say, to ask, confront them about what they meant, but they knew they could not do that when their family was present. So they had to wait as patiently as they could. They were sure they could ask Rain and Sky to join them in their cars, so they decided to reign in all their feelings. "So, Varain and Thupfah? Do you have nicknames?" Arm asked. "Khap khun. I am Rain, he is Sky," Rain replied. "And do you speak Korean Rain?" Thankhun asked. Rain nodded. "Actually, we both do," he said. "Awesome!" Macau said, clapping his hands. "Rain, you go with Khun Nu and P'Kit, Sky you will come with me and Hia Arm. We will try and improve our Korean with you. Too many businesses coming up in Korea, so language skills need polishing."

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