ch 22 preparations

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PAP 22

"Remind me of our plan again?" Asked Indo as he sat down on the couch. Currently the Rice gang, and Taiwan decide to have a meeting to brief each other about the Holloween prank plan.

Phil rolled open the paper on the coffee table and kneeled on the floor. He points to each of them. "Taiwan, will dress up as Soviet. We'll put him in a big ass coat and Mal, will be carrying him the whole time, under the coat since he isn't talk enough. After that," he points to Indo. "You, will scout the area, make sure no one else sees us."

Indo tilts his head to the side. "Why would that be a problem? It's just a prank"

"Well…" said Mal. "You know how there's like, very superstitious people? …they might assume it's a ghost and inform everyone and we don't need that"

Phil nodedd, writing on the paper a few reminders. "Exactly, also, theres the possibility that someone might assume that they got brought back to life or something." He shrugged.

Taiwan sat down on the couch beside Indo, "who in their right mind would think that?"

"Exactly" Phil smiled, "I never said that they'd be in their right minds did I? For all I know they could be insane or sleep deprived."

Mal sat cross legged on the floor, right next to Phil.

Taiwan looked up, damn…they were really doing this weren't they?
…how did they even manage to talk him into this? "I have a question." He turned to Phil.


"How exactly are we going to do this?" He raised his brow," I mean…how are we gonna get Russia to do as we say? He's not really the type to just do what other say"

A laugh from Indo and Mal cut the silence.

"Thats not a problem at all!" Said Mal.

Indo pat him in the back.
"Chill…we Phil here you know…they're close friends"

Taiwan blinked in confusion. "I know that but still…how?"

Phil turned around, back against the table. A grin on his face. He pointed to his cheek.

"That's easy…lure them in with cuteness"


Martial rubbed his arms, as he stared into the window. There wasn't anything to see outside, the only view you could see was a wall that meant their in a very protected facility.

The Holloween event isn't far away, in just a few more days he would be seeing Phil again and he can't help but worry.

Would he hate him? How is he? How much did the sins he committed affect Phil? Is he okay? Did martial cause his downfall?

How is he?

Did he change because of him?

He hopes that his little brother hasn't changed, that he was still that kind big hearted brother he knows that would never do harm on anyone.

Still the same brother that forgave him over and over again no matter what he did.

He hopes he'll forgive him again.


This book will be turning 2 years old on oct 26

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