Chapter 25

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With Anakin fussing over R2 and going over data to makes sure nothing had been stolen or lost, Ahsoka made her way towards the captain.

Rex had his hand on the shoulder of a trooper with an injury to his side, and Ahsoka joined him, wordlessly placing her hand on the trooper's other shoulder. Opening herself to the force slowly so she wasn't overwhelmed she allowed herself to soothe the trooper's pain. Entering a state of meditation, she stayed like that until the Twilight landed back on the Resolute. Kix soon came in and broke her out of her stance by easing the trooper onto a repulsor gurney and taking him off to a med bay.

As she opened her eyes and shook her head trying to bring herself back into the present, she felt Rex's eyes on her.

"Why spend the energy?" Rex asked quietly. "He didn't need healing, he was just in pain. You didn't have to do that even to save his life."

Ahsoka blinked in surprise. "Why wouldn't I do that? He was in pain."

A wave of interest and gratitude rolled off the captain in the force. He turned to leave but Ahsoka grabbed his wrist, remembering why she had sought out Rex in the first place.

Rex turned and straightened to attention. "Yes, commander?"

"No, I didn't..." Ahsoka hesitated, she still wasn't used to being called that. "At ease captain. I just need to talk to you."

Rex settled slightly. "How can I help commander?"

Ahsoka bristled at the continued formality, though she knew it was just Rex's way of showing her respect. She searched for where to begin, stretching a moment of quiet. "Do you know Senator Shira?"

Ahsoka wasn't ready for the snap in the force at her name, and the sudden recoil of Rex's usually open and calm demeanor. She had clearly hit a nerve. "I served on a protection detail for her during the beginning of the war." Rex's voice had turned robotic and forced, a far cry from his almost brotherly and respectful tone that Ahsoka had come to recognize as his.

Ahsoka considered her next question carefully. "You met Grievous?"

A wave of cold fear and hatred. "Yes, commander."

A beat. "What happened to the others."

Rex stiffened even further if that was possible. "I'm not sure I understand commander. If you have questions, there is an official report that was filed regarding the mission."

Now that was not the Rex she knew. "I'm asking you, Rex."

Rex paused. "Hod, Razor, Bolt. Other ARC troopers that gave their lives to protect Senator Shira. The senator and I barely made it out with our lives."

Ahsoka could feel Rex pulled away from the Resolute to the months that he had spent on Brentaal IV. Amidst the sorrow and anger, Ahsoka was surprised to sense joy and love that emanated from Rex as he thought about the memories.

"Can I ask why the interest commander?"

Ahsoka blinked. How did she explain it, "I had uh, a vision during my battle with Grievous. I saw you and Shira, and umm," She hesitated, unsure how this was making Rex feel. "I think it was Razor?"

Rex's head dipped slightly, and for the first time Ahsoka noticed small writing on the inside of Rex's right forearm armor. Razor. Hod. Bolt.

"I'm sorry Rex, I didn't mean..."

"It's okay commander. You have every right to ask about past missions."

But it wasn't just a mission, Ahsoka realized. It was a major part of Rex's life. Something key to him that Ahsoka had barged in on. Still, she had the nagging feeling that she was missing something. Missing something big.

Unwilling to find out through the Force by searching the captain's mind, Ahsoka decided to let it go for now. She would find out eventually if it was the will of the force. Rex, and Shira, were too important to her. 

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