Chapter 9

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"What's our next move Senator?" Razor said while swinging his own pack over his shoulder.

"We need to find the President. He has something that we need."

Rex made a face as though tasting something sour, but quickly covered it by shoving his helmet on.

"What is it we're looking for?" Razor asked.

Shira hesitated then turned to face them. "We each have a code to access the central computer system, there isn't any other way to get in. Both must be entered to access it."

"What's on the central computer?" That was Bolt voicing the question they all had.

"Everything. Planetary and shipyard weapons, supplies, access to the hyperspace lanes...everything."

Hod let out a low whistle. "Well then I guess that di'kut does have some other purpose then getting on my nerves."

Shira smiled sideways at him, trying to work up a gentle reprove, but coming short. "Let's go get him."

The group made their way through the palace without running into any droids or separatists until they made it back to the ballroom. Rex and Razor were taking point, and Hod and Bolt were bringing up the rear. Razor raised a fist for them to stop moving. Each of them crouched down.

"What's going on?"

"Droids senator, we got about 20 in the ballroom." Bolt responded.

Shira nodded. "Any life in there?"


Shira turned to look at Hod. "What do you mean?"

"Well, I'm picking up life signs, but not like any I've seen before. It's almost like it's a blend of inorganic and's hard to explain."
Shira closed her eyes in concentration, almost like she was listening for something. After a moment she opened her eyes again. "Then it's not the president, we need to keep looking. Let's head to the central computer, secure that room before we go further."

They slowly made their way across the ballroom entrance, careful to make sure they weren't being followed, and continued to progress down the hallway slowly and surely. Shira was surprisingly calm, her blaster held tightly in two hands down by her waist. With her whispered direction the team progressed down to the main computer room.

As they approached the main control room Razor held up his fist again signaling everyone to stop. "We've got 10 droids in the control room, they all look to be basic battle droids."

Shira bit her lip. "Do you boys think we can take them?" she asked quietly.

Hod chuckled, "10? I could take 'em by myself."

Shira smiled tightly and then considered for a moment before nodding. And pulling up her blaster to ready position. Razor counted them down then jumped in the room firing 3 shots before rolling out of the way. Rex and Shira took one side of the door and Hod and Bolt took the other side, occasionally ducking around the corner to fire off quick shots and cover fire for Razor. It was over quickly and the rest of the team filed in the room.

Hod pulled his bucket off. "We don't have long before these droids are missed and they figure out something's up."

Shira holstered her blaster and waved Hod over to join her at the terminal while the rest of the boys set up a perimeter. After logging into the system Shira pulled up a couple of screens. "Blast." She whispered.

"What is it?" Bolt called from across the room, not taking his eyes off the windows.

"The president has already entered his code into the system."

"We need to get out of here. Now." Shira's hands whipped across the keypad furiously and was logged out quickly.

"Ah, I'm afraid it is much to late for that."

5 guns clicked in unison as they moved to train on the towering figure entering the room, the problem was, he had a blaster trained right on Shira. They couldn't risk it.

The man ducked his head into the room, he stood around 7 feet tall. His whole body was made of the blast resistant armor that covered the generation one droids. His sickly yellow eyes practically glared holes in the room. His limbs were reinforced with extra joints, and a grey cloak hung off his shoulders, red on the inside, with a gold clasp keeping it fastened in place.

"Blended life form." Hod nodded to Shira, one hand firmly on the blaster and the other gripping his helmet.

"Why don't you bring in our other friend for me?" the man called outside the room. An advanced battle droid came in with the president gripped under one arm, and a blaster held firmly at the temple.

Hod breathed out a mando'a curse. "Now senator, your president has been kind enough to provide me with half of the information that I need. Now it's your turn." The man's voice was like soft velvet, practically dripping with venom.

"This wasn't the deal! You promised me I would remain in command!" Devon's voice was shaking, his face a deathly pale.

"Ah that's right." The man turned toward the president. "Thank you, Mr. President, you have served your purpose." He nodded to the droid holding the president custody, and it pulled the trigger.

Shira stiffened as the President let out a whimper of fear before collapsing to the ground in a heap, dead before he hit the floor.

"Who are you?" Shira asked, her voice like a ghost.

The man stood to his full height, looming before the clones and the senator. "I am General Grievous."

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