Chapter 3

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The jump to hyperspace went smoothly. The clones sat in the seats in the cockpit, and Shira had retired to her quarters down lower in the ship. They were flying a very unaccented shuttle with 3 quarters. One for the senator and 2 shared sets for the clones. Very different then the ships the Senator from Naboo, or almost any senator, flew.

Hod's voice crackled over Rex's helmet. He had connected an internal commlink between his brothers. As they were wearing their helmets, it would be very difficult for anyone to hear them talking from the outside.

"She's something."

"Can it, Hod. We're not here to judge or deliberate about the senator, just keep her safe." That was Razor. Keeping the order as always.

"Come off it Razor, you're all thinking the same thing."

"Hod has a point, the senator is indeed not what I expected." That was the softer voice of Bolt.

Razor was quiet. "Yeah, well don't get used to it." He finally said quietly. "The other senators aren't like her."

"Oh wise Razor, enlighten us with your knowledge." Hod's voice was dripping with sarcasm. Skiratra really did pass on a lot.

"You really wanna know Hod?" Razor snapped. "Fine. Here's the truth, the people we're protecting, they don't care. The people we're fighting for? They'd just as soon blast you if they'd thought it would win their war, or even just make their life more convenient. So forgive me if I don't really buy the whole 'miss perfect senator' bit."

"That's not fair." Rex found the words leaving his mouth unbidden. Why was he defending her?

Razor whipped around in the pilot's seat. And yanked his helmet off to stare at Rex with fire in his eyes. "Tell that to the brothers I left dead on Geonosis." He was seething the words, practically spitting them at Rex. "Don't tell me what's fair or not."

Rex stiffened like he had been slapped. "You aren't the only one who lost brothers on Geo." He said quietly, staring Razor dead in the eyes.

Razor stood and Rex found himself meeting him, practically touching chest plates. Rex didn't know when the helmet had come off, but Razor's breath was hot on his face. "You wanna try me...blondie?"

Rex reeled backwards, then felt ashamed for showing how much that hurt.

"Hey." Hod's voice cut through the tension. Both brothers stared to look at him. "Same side." He said sternly.

Rex made his eyes lock with Razor's cold hard ones again. "Permission to leave, sir?" Adding the last part was difficult.

Razor smirked. He had won. "Granted, shiny." Razor's eyes grazed over Rex's unpainted white armor.

Rex's lip curled and he stormed out of the cockpit, smack into the senator.

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