Chapter 2

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Rex and the others snapped to attention, helmets pointing straight ahead as the doors to the hanger opened. Though his HUD Rex saw two young women walk in. Their heads were bent together in quiet conversation. The first Woman Rex recognized from his training on the Republic as the Senator from Naboo. Padme Amidala. The senator had her brown hair styled up, looking like a roll contained in a gold net. Somehow, it looked regal. She wore purple senatorial robes and looked every part the well composed senator on Coruscant. Then Rex's eyes traveled to the other Senator. He almost didn't recognize her, most pictures of Shira Letza, and there weren't many, showed an extremely put together woman with heavy makeup and elaborate clothing.

This was not the woman Rex was prepared to meet. She wore blond curls tied up loosely in ponytail that came down to just beneath her shoulder blades. Her clear blue eyes had crinkles around them, as if she smiled often. She wore a simple white tunic and brown trousers with black boots that looked like they had been worn often. A holster attached to her hip showed a compact blaster. She looked like...well she looked like a civvy. Not a senator.

The two women walked over to the clones; their heads still bowed in conversation. As they approached, Rex could just pick up a conversation between the two.

"Shira, please be careful, from what An...Jedi Skywalker told me, the separatists are brutal and will do anything to get they want."

The senator lifted the corner of her mouth at her friend. "Padme, you know better. It's those separatists that should worry about getting on the wrong side of me. And please don't try and hide it from me Padme, you know I don't follow their rules. I'm probably the closest thing you can get to an ally in this regard."

Padme smiled sadly at Shira. Rex let his eyes flicker between the two. Most of the conversation seemed normal, some of it seemed private, and Rex instantly felt bad for hearing. His HUD magnified sound, and Rex was naturally curious, he hadn't intended to, but all the same.

The two senators embraced and then Shira watched as the Senator from Naboo left the Hanger. After a moment Shira turned and faced the clones, who would be her protector for the next week. She widened her stance and looked over each of the men, seemingly memorizing the features of their armor. Then she grinned. Why was she studying them? Senators weren't supposed to care about the clones they had just sent to war.

Clearly, no one had given Shira the lecture. "Hello." She said softly. "I'm Shira." She noticed them still standing stiff at parade attention. She cocked her head slightly. "Please, it's just me." When this did nothing to change the posture of the soldiers, she said, "At ease...?" It trailed off in a question.

The clones widened their stance and moved their hands to behind their backs. Parade rest. Still angling their helmets directly forward.

"Um, sorry I'm really not sure what I'm doing here." Shira said with an embarrassed chuckle. "I meant, you can relax, stop standing at attention."

Rex resisted the urge to cock his head in confusion at the Senator. He risked moving out of attention to glance at Razor, looking to follow his lead.

It was Hod who moved first. He gathered himself up to stand in a more relaxed manner. Arms folded across his chest, leaning his weight on his right leg. He cocked his helmet at the Senator. Rex grimaced, the Senator wouldn't recognize the nod of the helmet as one of respect, she would probably see it as defiance. So much for the relaxed senator. Rex thought. Way to go Hod.

Surprisingly, Shira smiled. She seemed to understand the nod. "Thanks, trooper. What's your name?"

Name. Not number. This woman was getting stranger and stranger.

"Hod, sir."

Shira smiled. "It's nice to meet you Hod." She then turned her gaze to the rest of the clones. "I'll just get this out there, I'm probably not what you expect, and I'll probably continue to be different than most others you meet, especially senators." Sorrow flickered across her eyes. "I know many do not and will not value you for the men and people that you are, I hope to do better, but I fully expect to mess up." She looked at each clone in turn. "I expect you to call me out on my mistakes, I'm too good at reading people for you to hide when I say something that hurts you or is just flat out wrong. So please, just call me on it."

Silence rang through the hanger.

Hod started laughing. His arms uncrossed. His shoulders shook with laughter. He moved to a nearby supply crate and sat down. Shira started chuckling with him, a smile in her eyes.

"Dank Ferric," Hod slapped his knee. "I like this one." Hod managed to get out between chuckles.

Shira smiled, then a slight flush rose in her cheeks. Would you mind taking off your helmets? I'd like to see your faces and know your names.

Hod lifted his helmet first. "Due respect senator," still chuckling softly "It's the same face."

Rex glanced at Razor again. He nodded slightly and lifted his bucket and clipped it to his belt. Rex and Bolt followed suit.

Shira moved her gaze slowly from face to face. "Respectfully Hod, same face, very different people. Different eyes." Her gazed moved back to Razor. "Your name?"

"Razor, sir."

Shira smiled softly at Razor. "I don't suppose that I could get all of you to not call me sir?" She said while glancing at each of them.

Silence. "If that's what you want senator, but good luck getting any of those soldiers to do anything else." That was Hod.

"It would really mean a lot to me. Please, just call me Shira." Her voice was soft and gentle.

Razor didn't say anything but nodded. Shira seemed to accept this and move down the line to gaze on Bolt. She leaned forward and raised an eyebrow lightly at Bolt.


Shira smiled. "Thank you Bolt."

Shira's gaze rested on Rex. Those blue eyes were penetrating when they fixed on him.

"Rex. My name is Rex."

"Hello Rex."

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