Chapter 18

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Announcement: Okay, after this chapter we are officially done with backstory, and we are jumping head on into the Clone Wars. I'm really excited to start telling these stories I love with different views of different Characters. Of course we will be returning to Shira and Rex, but we are also going to start focusing on more beloved characters and telling their stories. I'm going to stick to the cannon, my goal is that this story could have existed along with the regular canon, but we just never saw it. :) Hope you guys are enjoying my crazy story so far. Thanks for reading.

Also side note, would you guys be interested in a longer story of Shira's past? Nothing long like a new...what do I call these...books?... stories?... just a part or two telling her story from her eyes. Comment if you are interested. 

"Dad," Shira shot awake and grabbed Rex's arm. For the first time since they had been captured, Shira's voice was filled with hope. "Rex, he's here."

Rex rubbed sleep from his eyes, "Whaddya mean?" He slurred blearily trying to get himself to sit up. Shira pulled him up then suddenly her demeanor changed. She grabbed Rex's shoulders.

"Rex, they can't know about us."

Rex, still half asleep, looked at her confused "What are you saying?" He put his hands on her wrists.

She raised her lips in a half smile. "Don't worry I'm not saying we have to stop," she paused "whatever this is. You can't get rid of me that easy."

Rex blinked. "Shira I wasn't...who's even here?"

Shira laughed, "Sorry, you can't sense him." She put her hands back down. "Plo Koon, the Jedi who saved me, he's here, I can sense him."

"Wait, they came?" Rex was fully awake now, and the smile on his face was being mirrored right back at him by Shira.

For a moment the two just shared a tender embrace, finally someone was coming to take them home.

They could hear the battle raging all around them in the palace. Rex would flinch every time an explosion got particularly close and in response Shira would give Rex's hand a gentle squeeze.

I'm here. It's okay.

"What was that?" Rex turned to Shira. "I just heard your voice, what..."

"Oh," Shira's eyes were slightly wide. "I didn't think you'd be able to actually hear me at this point in the bond."

"That was you?" Rex looked incredulous.

"Yes, eventually I think you'll be able to speak to me too when we're close to each other." Shira cocked her head. "I mean we did just spend 3 months together on the run, that makes more sense as to why we are already so close."

Rex smiled as memories of the past months together flashed through his eyes. They hadn't shared anything more than a kiss and an embrace, but Rex felt that he was closer to her in ways that he had never felt with someone.

Shira smiled softly at him, then she turned her head to the side and closed her eyes in concentration as if she was listening to something. "He's close."

Rex and Shira helped each other stand, and as they strained to hear more, they could just faintly make out the sound of blaster bolts, and as the sound progressed closer, Rex could hear the sound of a lightsaber humming through the air.

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