Chapter 21

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"Rex?" Shira's voice echoed around Rex's cramped barracks. Rex sat on his cot, his head held in his hands, the comm device on the floor, casting a blue glow around the room as Shira stood in front of him.

"Slick really believed he was saving us. I don't know..." Rex raised his head and forced himself to make eye contact with Shira. Shira was sitting on her own bed in her quarters, her hair was ruffled and bumpy from sleep, as they were on practically opposite sleep schedules. "I don't know what to believe."

Shira's eyes were full of compassion. "I can't imagine." After a moment of silence, Shira realized Rex needed her to change the topic. "Did Skywalker's padawan arrive yet?"

Rex scoffed. "I mentioned it and he said he'll never have a padawan. Seemed pretty adamant."

"Well, you might get a promotion then." Shira smiled, then stifled a huge yawn. Rex felt a yawn rise from his gut himself.

"No fair, Cyare, you're gonna make me fall asleep."

"Good, you need it." Rex chuckled. "Really though, we should both get some sleep."

Rex gave Shira a pout before laughing and nodding. "Very well. Good night, Cyare."

"Good night, Rex. I love you."

"I love you too."

Ahsoka Tano pulled on her left lekku anxiously. Master Plo's face popped into her mind. Fear is not the Jedi way little 'Soka. Ahsoka snapped her hands back down by her sides, though when she shifted her weight to her left foot and crossed her arms to keep them from pulling on her lekku, she couldn't stop her right foot from bouncing up and down with anticipation.

The soft thud and vibration in the floor told Ahsoka they had landed. Her stomach decided at that moment to attempt to reject the lunch she had eaten. Ahsoka swallowed hard, forced her stomach to accept her lunch, and forced her feet to walk forward and down the ramp, towards her master, towards her future.

Standing next to the command center was the wise and fabled Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi. It was as if he had stepped out of a holo-photo, one arm crossed across his chest supporting the other which stroked his beard in thought. His robes were singed here and there from the battle, but his shoulder and arm armor were clean and maintained well.

Ahsoka's eyes were then drawn to Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker. Her new Master. His light brown hair was slightly wavey and his deep blue eyes held a hint of sorrow. Anakin's force signature carried a weight and gravity that was undeniable to any force user in the area. His robes were much darker compared to his former masters, and a stormy expression rested on his face. They had apparently been arguing about something.

"And who are you supposed to be?" The knight snarked towards Ahsoka.

Ahsoka's eyes snapped up towards her Skywalker's in surprise at the apprehension his voice seemed to carry. "I'm Ahsoka." She managed to force out. "Master Yoda sent me."

The jedi knight did not appear to be impressed.

Ahsoka fumbled to continue. "I was told to tell both of you that you must go back to the Jedi temple immediately, there's an emergency."

Master Skywalker scoffed. "Well, I don't know if you've noticed, but we're in a bit of an emergency right here."

Master Kenobi raised an eyebrow at the heavy sarcasm. "Yes, our communications have been a bit unreliable, but we've been calling for help."

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