Jack Hornor's

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(Your pov)

Me and Puss finally made it to Big Jack Horner's Pie factory fortress. We also noticed two girls who held one of each end of a small chest. We figured out that those girls where the one delivering the map.

Serpent Sister #1: Whoa, whoa, who! Hand off the merchandise. We got this.

She tells one one the guards pointing a dagger at him. They then enter the factor.

(Y/N): Ok Puss. How are we going to do this?

I asked.

Puss: I say. We sneak through the vents, get to where Jake Honorn has the map and get out.

He tells me.

(Y/N): Sound like a plan.

I replied.

Puss: Just get in and get out. Easy peasy........

???: Lemon squeezy.

Someone finished Puss's sentences. As me and him looked over, it was Perro from Mama Luna's.

(Y/N): Perro?

Puss: What are you doing here?

He asked. Perro had a stick in his mouth and lays it down.

Perro: I brought you a sword puss.

He said. Puss then smacks the stick away.

Puss: That's not a sword. It's a stick.

Perro get the stick and placed it down again.

Perro: It's a stick sword.

He replies.

(Y/N): Perro, this is not a safe place for a pup like you. Go home!

I told him.

Perro: Well, my home is where my friends are.

He tells. Me and Puss groans because of how he was being annoying.

Puss: Again. Not friends.

He tell him.

(Y/N): Yeah. We just happen to know you. That doesn't make us friends.

I added.

Perro: Rub for luck?

He asked my lifting his sweater shirt and reveals his belly. It was kinda grossing me out.

Puss: We don't need luck. Me and my partner, are highly skilled master theifs. Watch.

He tells him. Puss does head first into one the vents in front of him but gets stuck till Perro pushes in, to help him.

I did the same thing with the other vent but didn't get stuck. I see Puss on the other side from one of the AC vents. I signaled him to see if he was ok. He returned my signal much ment he was fine when I heard footsteps down below.

It was the man him self, Big Jack Horner. He was taste test a pie as he stick his thumb in the pie, pulled out a plum, and eats it. He then wiped the plum juice from his finger onto his apron and finally gives his answer.

Jack Hornor: I pronounce this batch. Delicious.

He tells his bakers.

Jack Hornor: Ship 'em out.

He tells them. The baker then move their carts that had pies on them. He then takes his apron off as the serpant sister make their way in.

Serpant sister #1: Mr. Horner, the serpant sister's got the goods.

A Legendary Wish (Puss in Boots x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now