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Montauk, Long Island Sound, New York, 2014

Andromeda Lyra Black loved the ocean. She was no daughter of Poseidon but maybe her fascination came from the beauty of it. Yet her mother was born from the sea so maybe some of its power resided in her blood.

She watched the waves crash onto the surf as her thoughts drifted to her father, she ached to see him. Chiron had told her he couldn't risk being tracked through apparation, which she could understand, and the journey from England to America was too long for a broom or Buckbeak the Hippogriff.

She'd received a letter from her school informing her that they would be traveling to Scotland for the Triwizard Tournament and they'd chosen her as their champion. The only problem was she had no idea where he was and she was about to enter herself into a death tournament.

"Hey Ly, we're about to start the campfire!" Percy called out to her. Lyra pressed her lips to her necklace to let her father know she was thinking about him and stood. Brushing the sand off of her legs she made her way over to her friends and sat down between Jason and Percy.

Percy had invited the rest of the seven and his cousins to come stay at his cabin for the weekend to end the summer without fear of quests and the end of the world. Just nine friends enjoying each other's company.

"Lyra darling," Leo started, "are you excited to go to England this year?" Lyra felt Percy stiffen up slightly, and she rested her palm on his knee lightly, he didn't want her to go because he had been informed by Lyra's headmaster how dangerous the tournament was.

"Yeah Leo, I'm excited to hopefully see my dad." Her voice was quiet but it dripped with authority and kindness. Percy placed his hand above hers and flipped it over, threading her fingers carefully with his own.

"Well, I for one cannot wait to come and cheer you on when you do the tasks, because we all know you'll be the one to get chosen." Thalia's eyes sparkled mischievously as she winked at Lyra.

"Thalia she's the only one representing her school, she has to be chosen," Percy said his voice lacking the playful edge it usually had. "Besides you'll be staying in London while Lyra is at the Magic school."

"Remind me again how I got so lucky with you?" Lyra whispered as she pressed her lips to the shell of Percy's ear. His eyes darkened and he looked over at his girlfriend.

"More like how did I find such an amazing girlfriend." He gently drew patterns on her knuckles.

Lyra hummed quietly. "I love you, Percy." She adjusted herself so she was leaning her back onto his chest.

"I love you too Star." His lips ghosted over the back of her neck as she stared into the fire. Her eyes met Annabeth's over the fire and she smiled. The grey-eyed girl smirked and wiggled her eyebrows. Lyra threw her head back and laughed, she loved these people with her whole heart and would destroy the world to protect them.


Somewhere over the Atlantic on pegasi, 2014

Eight demigods drifted in and out of sleep as they traveled over the ocean,Lyra was pressed against Percy's chest snoring softly, the son of Poseidon drew circles on the palm of her left hand with his own. He glanced over to see Annabeth and Thalia two Pegasi over, Leo and Will were between them on separate mounts.

"Percy, bro, how much longer till we reach England?"

"Probably about ten more minutes." Jason looks down at his watch and nods his head.

"Should we wake the others?" Percy glances down at his sleeping girlfriend and looks to be debating something in his head.

"Yeah probably, I don't think my girlfriend would appreciate her best friends falling off their pegasus when we land because she was asleep."


Hogsmeade, Scotland United Kingdom, 2014

The demigods dismounted their pegasi in a field just north of Hogsmeade Village, Lyra could just make out the figure of a woman waiting for them.

"This way guys, that's Professor McGonagall, the lady who came to visit us last week." Percy lightly grasped Lyra's hand in his own as she led the group down the hill towards the village.

Minerva's lips twitched into a small smile at the sight of her goddaughter, she'd missed the child after she had left her with Chiron. She looked just like her father, except for her eyes, those were most definitely not the same grey that every member of the Black family had inherited. Minerva watched in amusement as the girl's hair flashed a light pink when the black-haired boy took her hand.

"Auntie Minnie!" Lyra grinned at the stern woman who wrapped her in a hug. "These are my friends from camp! This is Percy, Annabeth, Leo, Thalia, Nico, Will, and Jason." The girl points out each of her friends in turn and they all give a small wave or smile in greeting.

"Guys this is my Godmother Minerva McGonagall or Professor McGonagall she's here to take us to where we'll be staying until I go to Hogwarts!" 

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𝐋𝐎𝐒𝐓 𝐀𝐍𝐃 𝐅𝐎𝐔𝐍𝐃¹𝜴𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐜𝐲 𝐣𝐚𝐜𝐤𝐬𝐨𝐧Where stories live. Discover now