Chapter 13: Disease

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Kion started scratching at the walls, digging his claws in deeply. If he wanted to find Rani, he'd have to do it in the quickest way possible. He didn't want to be stuck in this place for long.

"Exit, where are you," He mumbled. He slowly walked around the maze, but hit another dead end. He sighed, "I bet there isn't even an exit."

This was his last day to escape. To be free. He couldn't fuck this up. He'd find a way, somehow.


Rani and Reva were in Rani's den, mixing herbs together.

"Can I help?" Nina asked.

"We don't want you getting sick, love," Reva replied to her daughter.

"How come you guys get to have all the fun!" Nina whined.

Rani chuckled at that, "Don't worry, you'll be joining in on the fun soon. But your mother and I have to do this first. And after we can do whatever you want. Sound good?"

Nina smiled, "Okay!" She ran out of the den to play.

Reva turned to Rani, "You really mean that?"

"Pfft! Of course not! What, do you think I'm an idiot? Cubs happiness can wait. We've got males to kill," Rani scoffed.

Reva shrugged, "Okay. But can you remind me what we're doing again. I still don't quite understand."

Rani rolled her eyes, "We're creating a plague to kill off the male lions."

"Okay but how do we know it won't effect us or lionesses?" Reva asked.

"I'm putting a bit of lioness fur into it. I'm pretty sure that's what Nirmala said to do. I can't remember though. She supported males, rape, and cheating. So I don't give a shit about what she says anymore."


"Yep. Now help me mix this together," Rani ordered.

Reva nodded crushed up more herbs, "Aren't these supposed to help heal?"

Rani sighed in annoyance, "When you mix them together, they create something disgusting and you'll get a plague."

"Oh okay."

"Tch. You're an idiot, you know that?"

"At least I'm not a jackass," Reva chuckled.

Rani couldn't help up grin.

Reva finished crushing the herbs, "Well, I think that's it."

"Perfect. Now to spread this around," Rani gave an evil smirk.

"But what about that lion in the maze? Are we giving it to him too?" Reva asked.

"Of course we are. He's a male isn't he?"

"Right," Reva nodded.

"Okay, let's split up. You and Nina take the Pridelands and the Tree Of Life. I'll take care of Kion," Rani stated.

"Perfect." Reva roared, "Nina! We're leaving!"

Nina purred and went with her mother. Rani watched them leave. Then she placed the skin mask back on her face. She put the crushed herbs into a leaf bundle and carried it in her jaw.


Kion was walking around the maze, and started getting extremely bored. He sighed on frustration and kicked a lose rock on the ground as he walked the winding paths of the maze.

His ears perked up as he heard a branch snap. His hackles lifted and he unsheathed his claws. Rani was most likely the culprit of the noise and he wanted to be prepared to defend himself.

He heard a quiet, maniacal giggle as he whipped his head around. He saw Rani standing there, a leaf bundle at her paws and that skin mask back on her face once again.

"I have half a day left!" Kion shouted, his voice trembling. "You can't kill me untill the day is over!"

"Awh. What a way to ruin all the fun," Rani poured, mockingly.

"What do you want!" Kion snarled.

"No need to get feisty now. I only want to talk," Rani grinned. Something in her expression made Kion feel uneasy. More so than usual.

Rani smiled innocently, "I have food for you."

Kion's eyes lightened up. He hadn't eaten in two days. He could last four days without food, but he hadn't gone a single day without food before, so he was starving. Kion licked his muzzle and started drooling, fantasizing about eating a gazelle.

Rani unwrapped the leaf bundle to show the mashed up herbs, "Here you go!"

Without a second thought, Kion rushed over to the leaf and gobbled down the herbs. Rani smirked. Her plan worked.

Kion finished the herbs and licked his muzzle clean. Rani just smirked at him, waiting.

Suddenly, Kion started to feel weird. His body felt cold and his stomach started hurting terribly. He groaned in pain and started coughing. He coughed so hard that red fluid splattered onto the ground, coated in his saliva. His body shivered and his head started to overheat. He felt something inside him pop and he became a blood coughing mess.

His eyes widened when he looked down at his paws to find them slowly turning black. His legs couldn't hold him up anymore and he collapsed onto the ground, once again coughing up more blood. Sometimes even choking on it.

Rani watched with a satisfied grin. This was what she wanted. For him to suffer.

Kion grabbed his throat and gasped for breath, but his eyes widened when he felt a bump. He continued to feel the bump on his neck. But then he felt another one on his leg. He gagged in disgust. The bumps were blue and black. He didn't know it, but these were called Lymph Nodes.

He started sweating dramatically and eventually vomited. Sadly though, the herbs he ate didn't come up. It was just blood, saliva, and some gazelle he had eaten a few days ago, now only in soupy chunks.

Rani grimaced at the sight, "Wow. The Black Plague really was bad."

Kion gasped and coughed as he silently begged for Rani to help him.

Rani watched him for a moment, then walked away. She wouldn't help him. Not for anything.

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