Chapter 8: At The Paws Of A Psycho

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Kion kept running and came across a lion cub with burns and blisters all over his body. Only one lioness could think of such torture for a male. Rani.

Kion snarled. How could she do this to a defenseless cub! He was convinced there was not a single bit of mercy in that cold, cruel, darkened heart of hers.

Kion began sniffing the ground, looking for Rani's scent. He smirked when he found it and raced after her trail. He wouldn't let her get away. Not after what she's done.

He quickly buried the cub's fragile body, then raced after Rani. Even if he was killed by her, at least he knew that he tried to help.


As the sky slowly turned dark, Rani curled herself into a ball, preparing for sleep. But it never came.

"Hello there, darling."

Rani twitched and covered her ears.

Whispers corrupted her hearing.

She remembered that night. The night everything changed. Her mate ontop of her best friend.

Rani cried in pain as her head started throbbing. Her best friend appeared in front of her in a haunting ghost-like form. Her head was still hanging by the spinal cord. Just as Rani had left her.

Her best friend walked up to her, dragging her leg like a zombie.

"Evil!" Her voice was hoarse, scratching as if she hadn't talked in years.

Rani screamed and woke up, gasping for breath.

She trembled in fear and backed away against a tree. Every shadow looked like her mate or best friend. That night, Rani didn't get any sleep.


Kion could tell Rani's scent was getting stronger. A lot stronger. He was close. He crouched down, being careful not to make a noise. He didn't want to startle her and have her run off. He had to torture her, just as she had to him, and many other lions.

Kion smirked as he laid eyes on her. She was in a dark forest close to a tree.

Kion crept up to her. He was at a disadvantage due to his fur color, but he would be okay. She seemed dazed anyway.

As Kion started getting closer, he realized something wasn't right. The fur on the back of his neck rose. On instinct, Kion unsheathed his claws. It wasn't Rani that was making his body go in defense mode. She was still near the tree. And no one was creeping up behind him. Kion was sure of that. It was possible that merely knowing he was so close to Rani's presence that made him instinctively get his body ready to attack.

Kion quickly calmed down and continued slowly walking toward her. Rani was sitting up straight, staring at nothing. Her body hardly moved. It was as if she was paralyzed.

Kion was about two yards away. He could attack now. He bunched his muscles, preparing for the attack. But quickly stopped.

Rani's head slowly turned to him, her eyes glowing white in the darkness. He head was tilted to the side and there were bags under her eyes, looking like she hadn't slept in years.

Kion had made sure he was quiet. She couldn't have heard him. The slight breeze was blowing towards his face, so she couldn't scent him, and he had hid in the shadows so she couldn't have seen him. So how had she found out he was here?

Kion felt his breathing become rapid as Rani continued that blank white stare into his soul. He tried to run, but his body wouldn't allow it. He was frozen in place. He looked back at Rani. What had happened to her? She had once looked like a normal lioness, but now, instead of proving her psychotic ways, she looked the part as well.

What could have happened to her in just a few hours?

As Kion's breathing got faster, he could see his breath in front of him, as if it was cold outside. He felt his neck fur stand on end again and he looked at Rani. She slowly walked toward him, her body was constantly twitching. She giggled maniacally, "You can't get away this time!"

Kion tried moving again, but his body was frozen with fear. Something he had never felt before. He now wished he hadn't left the guard behind and just listened to them. Then he wouldn't be here. None of this would be happening to him. He would be able to check on his parents to see if they were alright.

Rani made her slow, twitchy movements toward him and licked her muzzle, "I can't wait to get my paws on you!"

Kion clenched his eyes shut. This was it. This was how he would die. At the paws of a psycho.

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