Chapter 1: Cheater

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Rani purred and ran toward the tree. She had gotten off patrol early and was excited to see her mate again. He was perfect. He was polite, kind, proper, and fun.

Rani stopped in front of the tree. She heard noises coming from inside which was strange because it was late in the night. No one was ever up except for the Night Pride.

Rani didn't like the sound of the noise. It sounded like a lioness in pleasure. At first she started thinking that maybe some animals wanted privacy in the tree? Rani kept putting new scenarios into her head, trying to ignore what she knew was really happening.

She prepared herself for the worst, and walked into the tree. The noise was louder now, and she heard a male grunt in pleasure. She gasped. It was her mate.

As Rani's eye's adjusted to the darkness, she saw it. She saw what she never thought would happen. Her mate was ontop of another lioness. It was her best friend. Rani couldn't believe this. This was actually happening. Her mate was cheating on her.

She approached the two, who hadn't noticed she was there. Rani turned to her right and saw a rock. She picked it up with her paw and held it above her mate's head. Now, the lioness noticed her. She didn't say anything, but her eyes were wide with shock and fear.

"What's wrong?" He asked in the same loving tone he had always used with Rani.

"Get up," Rani ordered as she was about to hit the rock on his head, but decided not to, and dropped it on the ground.

He slowly got off the lioness and turned around. It was as if he sighed in relief, realizing it was Rani, "Now darling, can we talk-"

"Lay down on the ground," Rani ordered as she stopped tears from welling up in her eyes.

He obeyed but his eyes never lost that giddy look. It was as if he didn't think Rani was being serious, and Rani hated him for that.

"And you," Rani turned to her best friend. The one who had betrayed her the most by letting her mate do this. "Lay down beside him, now!"

She did as she was told, but was shaking. Rani dragged her in front of her mate and held her claws to her best friends throat.

Rani held up her other paw, claws unsheathed toward her mate. He still had the playful look in his eyes. He didn't seem one bit bothered. He was ignoring everything that was happening. He was happy while Rani's world was in chaos.

"You look ravishing, love," He cooed.

Rani forced herself to look at his face and not his body. "Too bad your already ravished her," She replied coldly.

He smiled slyly, "Just trying to pass time, waiting for you to get back from patrol. You're early by the way."

Rani ignored him and snarled, "You like her, don't you?"

"Not nearly as much as I like you."

"Tell her everything is going to be okay," Rani demanded.

He chuckled a bit, "You won't hurt her darling and you certainly won't hurt me. Retract your claws and we can talk about this."

Rani's friend whimpered to herself. Rani held her claws closer to her throat.

"Then you won't be lying?" Rani asked through clenched teeth.

He didn't say anything, but he stared at Rani intently. Not once had he glanced at Rani's friend, and Rani felt a bit of victory for his lack of concern for her.

"Tell me slut," Rani snarled. "Did you enjoy having what is only mine to have?" She pressed her claws closer, and slowly, a bit of blood dribbled down the lioness's neck.

She was silent which made Rani go into a rage, "Don't lie to me whore! I've been here for a while listenening to you two! I ask again, did you enjoy yourself!"

"Y-Yes," She stammered. It sounded as if she was crying, but Rani couldn't see her face to be sure.

"How long have you two been sneaking around," Rani asked, but the lioness was silent.

Rani snarled, "How long!"

"Only tonight," Her mate piped up. "I never spend more than one night with any other lioness, and never bother remembering the names of them. It's just entertainment, love. Untill I can see you again."

He's speaking about this as if it is normal! Rani growled to herself.

"How many?" Rani asked, though she feared the answer as her legs became unstable.

"Rani, it doesn't matter. They aren't important to me," He assured.

It was clear he was refusing to answer the question. So how many could there have been before her friend? Hundreds? Thousands?

Rani regained her strength and snarled, "Tell her everything is going to be okay."

He appeared defeated and sighed as he turned to Rani's best friend, who was whimpering in fear.

"Everything is going to be alright," He told her calmly.

As he ended that sentence, Rani ended the lioness's life. She dug her claws deep into her best friends throat, untill a warm liquid coated her paw. Rani dug her claws deeper and pulled them up toward her face. She heard the lioness's windpipe pop! As it was punctured and a shallow gurgling noise came next. Still, Rani continued to decapitate her untill the head was only hanging by the spinal cord, connected body to head.

Her mate's eyes widened in shock as the crimson red liquid splattered onto his face, but it didn't affect his hunny voice.

"Now lovely, you've made quite a mess of things," He mumbled as he tried wiping the blood off his face with his paw.

"Don't worry," Rani replied coldly. She let her best friends body slump to the ground. "I'll clean it up."

With that, Rani lunged forward and grabbed his head. She dragged him to the rock she had caught him cheating on her with. The rock she and him had always slept on every night.

Rani dug her claws into his skull and smashed his head against the rock. He had no time to react as his skull shattered, but Rani didn't stop. She felt the tears coming down her muzzle and she continued to slam his head down onto the rock. The blood spread across the rock and coated Rani's face, but even then, she wouldn't stop. Rani wanted him to feel how she felt, even if he was dead.

Rani smashed his head over and over again untill his brains splattered everywhere. Rani gasped for breath and let him go. At this point, he no longer had a head.

Rani curled into a ball and started crying. Her tears mixed with the gore on her face, but she didn't care.

After a while, Rani stopped crying and stood up. At this point, her brain was twisted. Now she figured every male lion was like this.

"I'll show them. This is not acceptable. They'll all think twice before crossing me!"

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