The first real kiss

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Verstappen's POV:

It's finally summer break. The first half of the season was tiring mainly because of the many technical errors. My dad scolded and hit me a lot. I was quite busy with the races and only talked to Daniel in my spare time. Daniel and I got on really well, we became best friends, and this probably bothers Charles because I have less time with him and now he's ignoring me. Maybe he is no longer my best friend and neither am I that to him, but Pierre, but I don't want to lose him forever. We have too many common memories to just throw this away because it's my fault that he became so distant. Daniel doesn't know as much about me as Charles does. He doesn't know about my father's behavior and now I really miss a friend who helps me. We live in the same building, so it's quite easy to go to him. I went down to the 3rd floor and stopped in front of the door, a little hesitant. I already raised my hand and my fist was 2 cm from the door when I stopped. "Why did I come? What am I going to tell him?" I thought to myself as I had never thought through any of these questions. I was about to turn around and go home when the door opened. It was Charles. In a gray sweater and pants. "Why is my heart beating so fast?! It's just Charles, I've seen him sweater."

"Oh... Max, what are you doing here?" -he asked a bit surprised

"Uhm... I- You know I just thought- that maybe we could you know-" - I couldn't find the right words, I started panicing and I don't even know why!

"Hey everything is okay?" -he asked a bit worried, but I didn't know the answer myself

"No..." -I said almost in a whispering tone

"Do you want to come in?" -he asked smiling

"Didn't you want to go somewhere?" -I asked a bit shyly

"Oh yeah, I almost forgot. I wanted to go to Pierre, so I'll call him quic-" -but I didn't let him finish the sentence

"I'd rather not stay then, sorry for bothering you..." -I said and started to feel the tears building up in my eyes

"Max no"

I got up from the sofa to go out but Charles grabbed my forearm. He pulled me back and turned me to face him. He held my right hand with one hand and wiped the tear that rolled down on my cheek with the other.

"Max, we may not have had a serious conversation for a long time, but you are still important to me. Your problem is much more important than me going over to Pierre's just to talk. Maybe I was jealous of Daniel, but I'm very happy that you came to me." -he said now with both hands on my cheeks

"I- I just didn't know where to go" -I said sobbing a bit

"Relax Max, it's okay, everything will be fine. You can tell me anything." -he said softly and hugged me

As his hands wrapped around me, I felt an incredible good feeling. But for some reason I still thought it was wrong to feel this way. Then Charles let go of me and sat me down on the sofa.

"Do you want to tell me what's wrong?" -ha asked in a low tone and sat closely next to me, so that our thighs were touching

LeClerc's POV:

When Max cried, I was very surprised, because I had seen this a long time ago. It's already surprising that he came to me since we didn't talk that much. Since he kept his distance from me, I thought that I would be the same with him, but when I saw that he came to me for help, I couldn't resist. It really hurted to see him so broken and when I hugged him I felt him shaking. There was no way I wanted to let him go, I wanted him to know that no matter what happens, he can count on me, even if the feeling, for me it's love in a romantic way, is not mutual. When we sat down and our thighs touched I felt butterflies in my stomach. As much as I wanted to tell him that I was in love with him, the first thing was to calm him down.

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