Chapter 1

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The narrow, long hallway contorted wildly in his vision as he stumbled down it, trembling slightly. Hands clutching his crocheted jumper harshly, preparing himself for what seems to be a suicide attempt, at least in his eyes.
Now, you may be wondering what got our poor, adorable Felix feeling so...tense? so anxious...

It could, of course, be the usual nerves everyone experiences when starting a new job or when you go to meet your manager for the first time. However, i regret to inform you that in reality, the reason for his fear is much more sinister then that. Also that Felix had been here, down this very hallway hundreds of times least before he took a 3 month sabbatical from his position as a break from the pit of terror he was slowly falling down. The pit of terror that is more commonly known as...

Seoul Psych Ward.

Behind the tall, soundproof door that stood in front of him was Felix's worst nightmare. With entry granted only to the beholders of a special keycard are 7 isolated rooms, the homes of the dark, evil men who haunt Felix's every move, every thought, every breath that leaves his mouth. These 7 men aren't any normal patients like the ones Felix worked with at other jobs, no. They were 7 severely mentally ill men who were utterly and uncontrollably obsessed with the mere concept of Felix, even more so the real Felix if he were ever to be in arms reach of them. 
7 men who waited in agony for the return of their beloved Felix after he selfishly abandoned them for so long. Now that he is back, you dont seriously think they would let their darling boy leave again, do you?


The door creaked open, Felix's ears overflowing with loud noises that could not be heard from the hallway behind the sturdy door. He took one last tug at his jumper, pulling it down as far as it would go and secured his bag on his back. Cautiously, he stepped into the private sitting room that was in front of the first isolated room. Door shut then locked, bag placed on the floor and then Felix took a seat closest to the large plastic window that separated him and the patient.
Bang Chan

Chan, as per usual, was sat at his desk that was clearly close to being broken with its scratches and random missing pieces. Yet, the tall, muscled man still sat there listening to his own music on his laptop that he was supplied with in the hopes of avoiding another breakdown. It was... unusual for Chan to be so peaceful and quiet around Felix, but as the other nurses had told the poor boy, Chan had ignored every other therapist he was provided with in Felix's absence. It was safe to say that Chan most likely assumed his visitor was just another therapist.

"Don't you want to see me today, Chan?" Felix in his deep, silky voice, not wanting to startle his patient. At the sound of his voice, Chan leaped up from his chair, sending it screeching across the floor. He looked around wildly, confused, until Chan's eyes met Felix's and he gasped. Suddenly, Chan stormed forward and slammed his fists onto the cold plastic window, a fire burning with the need to feel his beautiful Lixxie under his fingertips. Upon realization that wasn't possible, he balled up his fists in anger.
" left me. I didn't give you permission to do that Lixxie!" Chan's voice got progressively louder, blocking Felix's attempts of talking. "WHO WERE YOU WITH LIXXIE?! WHICH BASTARD TRIED TO TAKE YOU FROM ME HUH??BUT-but you came back...did you miss me Lixxie? Ooooh i bet you did, you missed your boyfriend! how cute~"

Felix finished scribbling down some notes in his book then replied calmly: "No one 'stole' me Chan, and as much as this frustrates you, i don't need to ask your permission to do things" He wished to continue but paused as he heard Chan's breaths speed up. "And yes, i did come back. You can be nice to talk to when you are calm Chan"

At the second comment, Chan huffed loudly. " You do need to ask my permission, GOD DAMNIT FELIX! I'm your boyfriend! You should enjoy talking to me whether i'm angry or not!"
"Right" Felix replied then sighed.

And so their session carried on. Chan trying to flirt and claim ownership of his Lixxie, begging to touch him and Felix doing well... normal therapist things, ignoring the comments his patient made. 

It's true that Chan often angered Felix with his obsessive words and controlling ways, yet Felix couldn't help but feel sympathy towards his poor Hyung.
Chan entered the facility exactly 7 months after the death of his beloved boyfriend. After his passing, Chan experienced fits of rage, depression  and his emotions were higher than the average humans. However, it was only after a shocking incident at the restaurant Chan and his boyfriend used to go to that caused Chan to be brought here.

On the 7 month mark of his boyfriend's death, Chan decided to have a meal at their favorite restaurant to honor him. Halfway through his meal, the restaurant went silent as a man proposed to his boyfriend and Chan snapped. Blood, red and blue flashing lights, broken bones are all that can describe that terrible night. Felix will never forget the screams that left Chan's mouth when he first entered the Psych Ward

*back in time*

"I SHOULD HAVE BEEN THE ONE TO PROPOSE!!! HE STOLE IT FROM ME! HE STOLE MY CHANCE! MY LOVE.... NO!" guttural, heart-wrenching screams, nonstop. He had to be put to sleep in order to calm him and any other patients who woke from the noise.


after 3 months of being at the psych ward, Chan broke completely. He was so lost in his depression and psychotic thoughts that he forgot his boyfriend ever existed. Instead, he believed the only person he engaged with the whole 3 months was his boyfriend. That person was Felix.
Armed with a newfound need to keep his lover with him and no know else, Chan's infatuation with Felix grew and branched out into obsessiveness, possessiveness and verbal abuse. His love was unstoppable, and everyone gave up trying.

Their session drew to an end. 
"FELIX DONT YOU WALK OUT THAT DOOR! YOU ARE MINE, DO YOU HEAR ME?! YOU WILL STAY WITH ME OR SO HELP ME GOD I WILL-" Silence. Felix had rushed out the private sitting room and slammed the door, leaving Chan's abusive words to fill up the empty room rather then his own ears. 

Felix took a moment to breathe, leaning against the wall and wrapping his fingers around the loops in his trousers. "In and out Felix... In and out...." He spoke softly to himself, following the box breathing method. Once, he calmed, he took a deep breath and placed his hand on the handle of the next door and pushed it open....

-1161 words

hope it was good enough for you all, i tried my hardest <3 

Stay safe and stay well, as always, all credits go to the person who gave me inspiration for this story! their account name is in the description of this story x
Love you all, Byeeeeee~

-Author out 

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