Part 12

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"I can't believe Potter only got detention..." Mattheo muttered, I looked up from my book and watched him as he practically strangled the quill in his hand.

It had been less than a week since the incident in the washrooms and Mattheo and I had been alienating ourselves from the others while Draco stayed in the hospital wing. I had suggested to Mattheo that we study to take our minds off of things, so we spent the majority of our spare time in his dorm. Since the accident this was the first time Mattheo spoke of it, it took my my surprise to be honest.

"He should have been expelled.." He groaned again.

"It wouldn't have made a difference, Matty." I cooed, trying to calm him down as his knuckles turned white. "He looked petrified.. I don't think he knew what he was doing..."

"That's the perfect reason why he should have been expelled!" He shouted, finally turning to look at me. Once his eyes caught mine his expression softened. "I'm sorry.." he sighed.

"It's alright..." A lump had formed in my throat with the volume of his voice. "You're under a lot of stress... maybe we shouldn't have stayed away from the others... I just thought-"

"No." He spoke to swiftly cut me off, his tone gentle. "It was a good idea, we would have been bombarded with questions..." I nodded softly.

We sat in silence for a moment, the lump in the throat choking me as I tried to speak.

"Matty..." I managed to mutter. He looked into my eyes as the vision of him began to look cloudy as my eyes filled with tears. "... I feel like something bad is going to happen.."

Before a single tear could fall, Mattheo rose from his chair and pulled me into a hug, lifting me from my seat to be in his arms. He held me tightly into his chest as he gently caressed my hair, kissing the top of my head.

"Nothing bad is going to happen... I promise..." He whispered.

"Will you stay with me tonight?" I mumbled through soft sobs.

He sighed heavily with a tone of sadness and regret.

"I can't.." He spoke, slightly louder than a whisper but still very soft. I pulled away from the embrace partially to see his face, my furrowed brows and puzzled expression met his sorrowful gaze. "... Draco and I-"

"No!" I interrupted him, I knew exactly what that meant. I've fallen so hard for this boy, I can't let him continue this task. I can't loose him.

"Y/n... I have no choice.."

"Everyone gets a choice!" I pulled away from him.

His eyes darkened as he reached for my arm, clutching my forearm in his fist. "Did you get a choice?"

I furrowed my brows and tugged my arm out of his grasp, gently rubbing where the feeling of his grip lingered.

"Exactly. It's not that simple." His face was twisted with anger and regret, "you should leave... don't leave your dorm tonight, do you understand?"


"Do you understand!?" He shouted. My heart skipping a beat. I quickly turned on my heels and left his dorm, closing the door behind me. My feet led me to my dorm before I could even realized I was moving.

"Y/n?" A voice called out as my hand reached for my doorknob. I turned to see Pansy, standing a few feet away down the hall. "Are you-"

I quickly rushed into our dorm, hearing footsteps follow me in. Tears continued to fall as I collapsed in my bed.

"What's wrong? Are you alright?" Pansy quickly locked the door behind her and sat beside me on my bed.

"Something bad is going to happen, Pansy" I chocked out in-between sobs.

I did it for love | Mattheo Riddle x y/nWhere stories live. Discover now