Part 2

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A soft knocking on the door caused me to wake up, flickering my eyes open instantly, "Madam Lestrange. It is time to wake for school." A scratchy voice spoke through the door.

"Thank you.." I muttered and slowly rolled out of bed. I walked to the curtains I had drawn before falling asleep and opened them to give the room some light. I looked out into the extravagant garden of the Malfoy Manor. In the corner of my eye I saw something black, wiggling on my arm, only noticeable now that the light was shining in, almost forgetting entirely about last night I jumped at the sight then instantly felt grim once I realized what it was. I examined the mark.. It made me feel sick..

"Y/n? Are you up sweetheart?" My mother cooed from behind the door, slowly creaking it open. I was snapped back into reality and dropped my arms to my side before my mother entered the room.

"Yea, i'm just getting ready." I stuttered, quickly making my way over the my bag I had thrown on the chair last night before bed. I began pulling out the clothes I was going to be wearing for school. I pulled out a short black pleaded skirt, a pair of tights and a baggy grey jumper. My mother walked into the room, closing the door behind her as I stuggled to pull my tights up.

"Are you nervous..?" She asked as she walked towards the large window.

I pulled the tights up and began putting on the skirt, "Yea I suppose so.. I have to go through the sorting ceremony tonight just like when I was a kid.."

My mother turned around and chuckled, "you still are a kid, Y/n." She walked over to me as I began taking off my pajama top, before I could pull it over my head she gently grabbed my arm, twisting it so the new mark was facing her. "Im sorry, Y/n. I didnt want you to do this until you where ready.." I brushed her off and took off my top, quickly sliding on my jumper.

"What if I was never going to be ready.." I sighed.

"That would have been fine. Though I would be lying if I said your father wasnt over the moon right now." She smiled softly. "Theres a concealment charm I can teach you that will mask the mark temporarily, you will have to do it every day if you dont want it visible in school." I smiled and nodded my head. After she taught me the charm we made our way down to the main hall to meet with Draco to get to the train.

Draco was standing with his mother and my father with all our school trunks in the room we first apparated into.

"Y/n! Good morning!" My father exclaimed, sounding to be in a very good mood. I looked to my mother who smiled and giggled softly to me. "Im so proud of you darling." A lump formed in my throat as he pulled me in to a hug. "Are you ready, pet?" He asked.

"Yea, im ready." I wrapped my hand around my dads arm and everything went black. The same burning sensation I recognize filled my insides as my skin felt like it was being pulled apart.

When I opened my eyes I saw a large red and black train. We were standing on a long and wide platform surrounded by students and their family members.  I looked to my father and let go of his arm, he smiled and flicked his wand making our luggage load itself onto the train.

The trains horn whistled through the station indicating it was time to get on board. "Draco, take care of my daughter." My dad smirked as he chuckled to Draco who shot him a half smile and nodded. Draco and I jumped onto the train and I followed him through the isle, squeezing passed students who where figuring out where to sit.

"Draco! Come sit." A girl with deep brown hair and blue eyes called out, standing up from her seat shooting a smile to Draco. Her eyes looked passed Draco and landed on me as she furrowed her brow. "Draco, you're being followed." she scoffed.

I did it for love | Mattheo Riddle x y/nWhere stories live. Discover now