cupid attack

22 3 5

They went to the mountains
They searched for a resort and they accommodated there
They had a campfire party with some other people there. They were enjoying the trip. It was about 3.40 morning
On the campfire,

Y/n: jk thank-you you for everything after all I'm just one in that group of army. You made my life heaven.

Jk:Y/n I still don't know why I liked you but the feeling you made in me is so special and it was so new to me. I think it may continue forever

Y/n: yes jk I will always be with you and support you in every instance as a friend and well-wisher.

She didn't get any idea about what he was talking about

Jk: I heard......

Y/n: what??


The people who were with them started counting from 10

JK: wait I'll come.

Y/n: what's happening

JK jumped across the log and went somewhere,

Meanwhile, the crowd came to 5

Y/n searching for JK in the crowd

3, 2, 1

JK appeared with cake and said,

Jk: Happy birthday my love.

Y/n was stunned and she didn't notice that he called her as his love

Y/n: jk!!! ( she said with a frozen voice )

Jk: make a wish!!

Y/n made a wish that," it would continue and to be with JK forever"

Jk: cut the cake!!

She cut the cake and shared it with everyone

After the celebrations,

JK: did you enjoy it

Y/n: of course yes, I haven't expected it.

JK: I knew it.

Y/n: it's been a while since I celebrated my birthday.

JK: okay tell me when?

Y/n: uhh when I was with my parents

Jk: ohh, did I make you upset!!

Y/n: uh no come on

JK: Okay, I've prepared a gift for you hope you like it

Gave the gift in a paper bag

Y/n: oh what was it!! A dress!!

Jk: yeah

Y/n: wow that was awesome!! Thank you, JK.

JK: thank god you liked it.

Y/n: how can I not like it? hey normally people wish birthday at 12'o clock on that day why did you make these at 4'o clock

JK: uhh I haven't made that in 4 it's 4.7 a.m. cuz it when you were born 21 years ago.

Y/n was speechless

JK: okay it's time for sleep bye

He went to his room and she too

The next day morning,

JK searched for Y/n. He couldn't find her in the room

JK went around there he found her near the pond. JK went there and sat behind her.

They weren't talking but admiring the beauty of nature.

After some time,

Jk: get ready we are going somewhere near.

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