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It was well past noon by the time Kael emerged from the bedroom, there were dark shadows beneath his eyes and his shoulders were hunched. He had been up all night tossing and turning desperately trying to sleep and only finding his mind too wired to do anything but. The house sat in a quaint silence that he had grown used to over his years above ground, silently Kael continued to remind himself that he wasn't alone in the house that there was a very dangerous and occasionally volatile woman lurking in his basement.

He paused in his kitchen doorway staring at the bright streams of light that cut through the front blinds and cast glowing patches onto his laminated floor. Letting out a soft groan he shuffled past them feeling the intense heat from the brief contact, his stomach began to growl reminding him that he hadn't eaten when he had gotten home and Carnival food didn't exactly hold off hunger well. Kael grabbed the box of cheerios from the top of the fridge, poured himself a bowl and sat down at his small round table in the warm strips of sunlight at his back. Dropping his head he stared off emptily at the bowl watching as the hard round rings began to expand and soak up the milk. He poked at his bowl of cheerios with his spoon, grumbling to himself he pushed the bowl away.

Suddenly a rogue cheerio came flying at him and smacked, wet and soggy, in the middle of his forehead. He groaned and turned to glare at Morrigan who was perched on the chair across from him. To be honest he had hadn't heard her enter the room much less sit across from him. Normally he was better than that, but after the last couple days his mind was far from focused, coupling that with the lack of sleep he was far from top of his game. Still it was too early for this and he turned quickly to anger, his temper had been shortened to just about nothing and she knew just want to do apparently to send him over the deep end.

"What the hell..." He grumbled picking the soggy squishy cheerio from his forehead.

Morrigan reached forward to a second bowl in front of her filled with dry cheerios and popped a handful into her mouth. Then reached over to Kael's bowl, keeping eye contact, and lifted another dripping cheerio flicking it at him. It hit his chest and slid down the front of his shirt falling between the fabric and his skin leaving a cool sticky trail before landing in his lap.

"Stop that" He snapped even more annoyed that she had even poured a bowl of cheerios without him hearing her, he had really been lost in thought.

She repeated her motions, eating a handful of dry cheerio's then flicking another wet one at him. This one hit his eye and he growled his hands clenching on the table top. Then he heard a soft sound, something he hadn't heard. It was laughter, he wiped the cheerio from his eye and looked across at her. She had her hands pressed over her mouth, her cheeks reddened, and her eyes shone with tears as she fought the laughter.

"Oh yeah you think this is funny" Kael smirked reaching forward and lifting up his bowl of cheerio's, her eyes went wide as she watched wearily.

Quickly he flipped the bowl over her head watching the milk wash down flattening her hair to her head, Cheerio's dotted the dark auburn strands sliding slowly while some fell off into her lap. He sat back in his seat and howled with laughter having to hug his sides as she just sat there staring at him from under a sheet of her own milk soaked hair.

"You bastard!" She shouted rising quickly and running to his fridge.

Kael leaned back in his chair, "Hey, what are you-" He got a face full of green Jell-O that slopped down the front of him.

Morrigan burst into laughter pushing her milk wet hair out of her face, Kael growled wiping his face to clear away most of the Jell-O. When thrown at high velocities it apparently became rather sticky, at least most of it did.

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