Chapter 2

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Oops... I fell over. Again. "Are you ok?" Anne looks worried, but I reassure her with a quick "I'm fine, don't worry!" To be fair, I did scrape my leg against the floor. Nothing too much though, and after what we went through in Amphibia, I think I can handle a little pain.

Amphibia. Just thinking about it is enough to dampen my usually ever-present energy. Sasha takes notice of this, being a therapist and all, but decides to ignore it. Anne probably would've noticed it too, as she's always been the most emotionally intelligent out of the three of us, but she's too busy getting band-aids for me.

After Anne gives my leg a quick clean-up, we all head to Anne's bedroom to watch War of the Warlocks II. No matter how old I get, this movie will always be my favourite one! I mean, it's really deep. There's a war and a gang of friends have to stop it! Kinda reminds me of a certain trio that saved Amphibia. Heh. But that's not even the best part! There's-

"...Mars. Hello? Earth to Marcy! Are you in there?" Sasha interrupts my thoughts. That's probably for the better, because I now realise I was about to trip on the stairs. "What? Oh, yeah, I'm here... What?" I can see that Anne and Sasha are trying their hardest not to laugh. I'll let them off the hook this time.

"We were asking you if you wanted to bring some snacks up to the room. The movie's three hours long, after all!" I smile. It has been SO long since the girls actually wanted to watch War of the Warlocks with me! Granted, I made them watch it every night. I answer with a nod and Anne rushes off to get the snacks. Five minutes later and we're all in front of the tv munching on popcorn as the movie starts.

Three hours and it's the end of the movie already!?? It was so good though! I already have, like, a million theories on what happens next! Much to my delight and surprise, Sasha and Anne watched the entire thing with me! They even asked me a few things about parts they didn't understand! I may have gone a bit overboard with excitement, but what do they expect?

"That was so cool! Can't believe we fell asleep during the first movie every time..." Anne is already pummelling me with questions about the plot of the first movie. Sasha just shrugs and says, "It was alright... Could've made a few improvements here and there though." Me and Anne both shoot her a look then see that she's trying her best not to laugh. "I'm kidding, I'm kidding!" I throw a pillow at her and we all fall down laughing after an intense pillow fight.

I yawn and Anne suggests we sleep. We all get comfy as Anne turns the light off and puts our snacks away. I can't help but remember the times when we were younger and I would be the one to do this. Things have changed, but a lot has stayed the same.


"Anne! Don't do this, don't go! I don't know what I'll do without you! You're my everything; you changed my life!" Sprig is watching me, crying as he sees the power of the three gems combined slowly tear me apart. I grab his hands. "And you changed mine." He cries into my hands and leaves. "Goodbye, Sprig." I turn towards The Core and blast them away, leaving nothing but a few stray pieces of debris in my wake. As the energy starts to leave me, I close my eyes.

I feel myself being carried away by Frobo, and hear everyone crying around me. "Come on Anne, you'll be ok!" Sprig tries to reassure me, but his voice sounds distant. "Don't cry, Sprig. It's ok. Saving this world was the best decision I've ever made. My only regret is that... I never got to see Love Choice 2." With that, I'm blown away like (and as) leaves in the wind.


Everyone is crying. I have to leave Amphibia permanently, and after I say my goodbyes to the rest of the fam, I see Sprig. He's crying, twisting his hat in his hands and not saying a word. I'm leaving him again.


"Anne, why did you leave me?"

"Anne, I thought we were friends!"

"Anne, why?"

I'm crying, listening to manifestations of Sprig in a pitch-black void. "I'm sorry! I didn't want to! It was just the right thing to do! I'm not from Amphibia; I can't stay!"


As I'm tormented by this nightmare, a familiar sensation washes over me. Blue and a few pieces of white start to enter the void. There's something different about this, but I can't quite place it. It feels... stronger. I'm suddenly launched out of my nightmare and thrown into reality.


I jolt awake from the nightmare. I've had it before, several times in fact, but they all stopped 9 years ago, and the light at the end was new. Sash and Marce are still asleep next to me, cuddling each other. Oh, I need to get a photo of this. I am so going to use this as blackmail next time one of them refuses to pay for their food. I take out my phone and snap a picture, unaware of the light that surrounds the room.

I suddenly feel a surge of... power? I quietly get up, putting my phone aside and moving a sleeping Marcy aside to go to the bathroom. As I walk, I notice everything seems to be glowing, and that I'm getting more and more tired the further I walk. I've felt like this before, but... No. No, I don't want to think about this. It can't be, can it?

I enter the bathroom to splash some water on my face, when I see my reflection. Blue hair with leaves and twigs growing out of it. Eyes with pupils the shape of small cyan stars. Energy coming out of me. No... Oh, no. How did this even happen? I thought the gems were destroyed! I jolt backwards, and quickly run back to my bedroom.

The ruckus wakes Sasha up. At first she ignores it and mumbles, "Go back to sleep, Anne." But she quickly takes notice of the unnatural light and glances up. She sees me, freezes for a second, then wakes Marcy up. That girl sleeps like a tank. Right after Marcy wakes up and looks at me, the calamity powers fade away and I fall unconscious.

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