Chapter 6

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"The stars are aligned. It is finally time for us to fix this place, once and for all." 

There are four figures in the temple. Two newts, a toad and a frog. The tallest newt continues his speech, while the other three listen, patiently waiting for them to finish. Or at least, that's how the smaller newt wants it to seem like.

"We have waited a long time for this, but now... Now we are ready. Everyone, step onto this platform. This should take us one hundred and ten years into the past."

Everyone gets onto the platform, and a blinding flash of white light covers their vision. The temple is left dark and empty, with nothing but a few startled insects scuttling about. What was left of the team has seemingly disappeared.

 The smaller newt wakes up, confused. They slowly start piecing what happened together, but they still don't remember what the inside of the place they were travelling through time in - what was it, a tunnel? - looked like. And looking around at their companions, they didn't seem to know what happened either.

Slightly dazed, the 'leader' of this group looks the area they landed in up and down, inspecting every last detail of it. "Seems like I was a little off in my calculations. We appear to be one hundred years in the past instead of one hundred and ten. No matter, this should work just as well."

Before anyone could object, they started walking and motioned at the team to follow. There were a few complaints, but they ended up following the big, yellow newt. They were stranded in the past; what other choice did they have?


I woke up, walked around with Sprig and went shopping. How was I supposed to know today would be the day I saw my lieutenant again? If I knew, I would've gotten cleaned up, or at least gotten her a gift!

It took me a moment to comprehend what just happened. I was tackled to the ground and was hugged by a very familiar person. As soon as my brain registered that it was Sasha I started tearing up and got into a standing position, looking at her.

"Lieutenant? Is that you? You have gotten very... uh... tall." Sasha just stares at me, smiling through tears. "Grimesy! I missed you so much! How have you been, captain?"

I can't even answer, I'm too wrapped up in emotion and it looks like she is too, and we start hugging each other again and crying, same as the day she left. "I brought you a little something. It's not much, but I didn't know what else to get, so..."

Sasha reaches into one of her pockets and pulls out a dagger, the same kind I mentioned I wanted all those years ago. I take it and start crying some more, thank her, then realise something. 

"I thought you said daggers, swords and the like weren't allowed on Earth! How did you get your hands on this?" She simply rolls her eyes. "That's not important. Do you like it?"

I'm still confused, but if she says it's not important, I will trust her. "Of course! I love it, thank you again!"


Ah, yes. Today is yet another day in this nice, quiet little town. Me and Yunan were taking a stroll around the statue, when three tall figures walked into the town square. Everyone that was there just stared in shock, then started racing towards the middle figure.

We just stood there, looking for a certain human we knew would be looking for us. Our eyes met, and Marcy started running towards us. She then tripped on a lose cobble and fell on her face.

"Master Marcy! Are you ok?" Yunan can't help but stifle a laugh, while I am extremely worried for Marcy. She then gets up and smiles. "Yup! I'm fine!" I breathe a sigh of relief and she hugs us both.

"I am so happy I'm here right now and that you're here right now and that I can hug you both and say hi to you as soon as I arrived in Amphibia! You need to tell me if my favourite ship has sailed."

We all laugh, and we exchange information on what has been going on in our lives. "Ah, yes. I am still 'General Yunan! Scourge of the Sand Wars, Defeater of Ragnar the Wretched, and youngest newt ever to receive the rank of general in the Great Newtopian Army!'." 

I give her a look. "Buuuut after we settled into Wartwood I have decided to retire."

After Yunan finished, I spoke up. "I, on the other hand, have still been busy helping with the new monarchy system. It took longer than it should to get all the newts in the city organised, but we decided to make a newt, a frog and a toad the ones who make the main decisions."

Master Marcy looks very excited, then tells us about her life. She also asks where Andrias was, since she needed to 'clear things up' with him. Yunan answers her, but we decide to show her our house first.

The Spranne reunion is next chapter! I decided to make this chapter on what's going on 'Behind the scenes', which is basically just what's going on with Grime, Sasha, Marcy, Yunan and Olivia, as well as an update on the ??? people I wrote about in the third chapter. I know one hundred and ten years is oddly specific, but I wanted to make the time that they were in exactly one hundred years after the current events taking place (the timeskip, not the main part of the show, if that wasn't obvious).

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